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My Birthday

Posted 04-10-2009 at 05:37 AM by skillyaslig
Well, it was yesterday, but, bah, whatever.
I got a car.
A little ford, which is 25 years old, but has no rust, and is in very good condition.
It is a spunky fire-engine red.
Pretty much all that has happened in my life of interest.
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Posted 03-01-2009 at 11:04 PM by skillyaslig
Right I am still in a RAGE over the violent betray of Left 4 Dead, though I have to admit, it can be quite fun at times. Like when I started a new level, opened the Safe House door, and there was a Tank right outside. Then it crashed in and hulk-smashed the crap out of me and my team-mates. Fist time I died that quick in any game...

"Bring on the pain!"

Anyways, since still talking about that game drives me into a rage, I'll speak on other matters, such...
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Oh, screw you then

Posted 02-27-2009 at 11:34 AM by skillyaslig
I just brought Left 4 Dead last night! Needless to say, killing rabid people with numerous guns, and explosives was very fun!

Also, shooting the Witches in the back of the head was also funky, while they screeched and sobbed over who-knows-what. Lunatics who puke on you, crazy monkey people or whatever the hell they are called. Yes, very much fun!

Then, I found out the bad part.

For some unknown fuckin' reason, the Valve people decided to make the game...
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Me back, and the Wrestling was great!

Posted 06-13-2008 at 01:02 AM by skillyaslig
Hello! Yays, me back!
Anyways, The wrestling was SO much fun, a tonne of screaming and booing and cheering :XD:
Hell, it was so funny when Edge came out (he was in a six-man tag team match, him, Mark Henrys and some other dude against Batista, Matt Hardy, and the Undertaker) He ran away from Batista, and we all screamed, “EDGE IS A PUSSY!” at him, He got so mad, and some of the crowd shook their fists at him. It was so lolsome
The first match was Kane Vs some dude called...
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Yay! Good news for once!

Posted 05-03-2008 at 05:35 AM by skillyaslig
Well, my mum and I where just sitting around and watching TV (as ya do) and saw a Ad for the Wrestling (you know, the whole WWE thing, RAW, and so on) and it was happining at Christchurch, which is only about five or six hours from where we live, so Mum brought them! Yay, now I can see steriod-pumped men grope each othe up close! Though my fav dudes isn't gonna be there, damnit.
Though there will be dudes like Batista (is that how ya spell it) Kane, Hornswoggle (he isn't a wrestler, though...
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normal normal normal....

Posted 09-03-2007 at 01:16 AM by skillyaslig
Normal day...Phah, forgot my PE gear so I had to run about in my kilt...anyway, not much happening 'round my neck of da woods. It rained (typical...) got wet and such, and Tamara broke her sandels 'cause she threw them at someone . Had a resonable day after school, went home and played Aliens VS Predator for a bit, fun being the aliens, I love those things. Double mouth fun 4 all yayaya. Anywho, trying to get up earlier (I have a bad habit of falling asleep after the alarm goes) slowly (very...
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