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My boiler.

Posted 10-31-2007 at 12:20 AM by diablo vt
My boiler at home is making weird sounds and it shakes at times too Maybe Abe came into my house and screwed with it Seriously though, it's scary because it sounds like it's going to blow. Time to call up the gas technicians.
I hope all goes well.
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Those days.

Posted 10-27-2007 at 11:36 PM by diablo vt
Updated 10-27-2007 at 11:39 PM by diablo vt
I need something INTERESTING to happen! These days seem to be the same old same old... I'm very tired so if i'm talking complete rubbish, then please let me know. I played AE the other day which was fun and I just saw a spider run past at this second.
I must leave now to surf.

*Goes off to surf the interwebs* Damn thing crashed
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