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I had a dream about Oddworld!

Posted 01-08-2009 at 05:55 PM by Ajiellyn
... and it was terrifying.

I think it started in what I assumed was my school cafeteria, but looking back on it it was more of a factory and I was fully aware that I was on Oddworld. The cafeteria was hallway-shaped, making the distance between the serving area and the sitting tables ridiculously and around a corner. At the end of the hallway (the end closest to me) was a GIGANTIC door, and lining the sides of the hallway, facing the door, were canons which I assumed to belong to...
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Of dreams and dream emulators...

Posted 01-06-2009 at 09:36 PM by Ajiellyn
My recurring dream is about getting ready in the morning.

It happens extremely often that I dream of getting up, getting dressed, getting ready, even showering, and then get up to actually have to do it all over again. It's torturous really, because at the end of the dream I'm like 'ah, I'm ready, now I can go.' But surprise, it has to happen all over again.

I'd like to believe in dream analysis (I'm one of those people who has the logic to dismiss horoscopes as rubbish...
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Posted 12-21-2008 at 08:59 AM by Ajiellyn
After a long absence/disappearance into a hole somewhere in the ground, I'm finally back with free time on my hands. I'm currently a senior in high school which is your 12th year, and I was trying to balance school work and the college application process. There's essay-writing, form-filling, resume-making, curricular-activity-doing, volunteer work... ach! Then there's standardized test taking and the stress that comes with it...

and there's also the loads of homework I get. ...
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Rediscovering Oddworld! (and art)

Posted 06-16-2008 at 10:12 PM by Ajiellyn
Updated 06-16-2008 at 10:15 PM by Ajiellyn
I have the tendency to fall in love with a franchise, give it all I have to offer in means of art and writing and whatever, view everyone else's art and writing, listen to the music for hours, create my own characters, ponder the plot, and once I've milked it for every last thought I lose interest and it takes a back seat.

Don't get me wrong, I will never 'not care' about these universes-- Ecco the Dolphin, Oddworld, Pokemon, Bully, Phoenix Wright... I just get way too over-excited...
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