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Band Names

Posted 10-01-2015 at 04:50 AM by Shrykull43
So I'm starting a solo project soon that is heavily bass driven along with drums and a synth. I came up with a few names and was wondering what you guys think.

Cryovolcanism - Volcanoes made of ice or other super-cooled liquids especially on moons

Nucleosynthesis - The production or creation of new, more dense elements through the process of nuclear reactions.

Singularity - A point in space where the value of some properties of that point are infinite....
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Posted 08-03-2015 at 02:34 PM by Shrykull43
So I'll be trying mushrooms this week. Details to follow. Any suggestions?
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Is the PS4 worth it??

Posted 05-07-2015 at 03:05 PM by Shrykull43
Alright so I've been working at my local greenhouse for awhile now and finally have some extra money. I've been thinking about getting a PS4 for awhile because of all the sweet new games; NnT, Shadow of Mordor, Bloodbourne, Destiny, and eventually Twice ze Flavor.The price tag is a little high for my regular budget but i think it would be worth it. What do you all think??
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Concept Songs??

Posted 03-27-2015 at 07:20 PM by Shrykull43
Okay so anyone who listens to music even somewhat avidly understands what a concept album is. However recently I've been listening to a lot of spacey, stoner rock, and doom-esque music. I've noticed that some songs contain the same idea of a concept album. Namely Sleep's Aquarian. IMO the song appears to tell the metaphoric story of a perfect life. Ya know Buddha nirvana and all that. In life we first start out "trapped under leagues of ocean", we don't know much of anything and have yet to figure...
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Hash is...WOAH!

Posted 03-15-2015 at 01:17 PM by Shrykull43
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Internet is back!

Posted 03-01-2015 at 10:21 AM by Shrykull43
So today i just got internet after being deprived of it for months because of the snow on the ground. I personally cannot wait to resume sitting at home playing DotA 2 and going on the Oddworld Forums. Ahhh my simple life shall resume...
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