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Life update after 4 years away

Posted 03-14-2016 at 11:32 AM by Laser
  • My dog died earlier this year
  • My Granddad died
  • My Dad had a minor heart-attack
  • I graduated university with a 2:1 and a 1st in my dissertation. I was studying English Literature
  • Tried to get a girlfriend twice and failed both times
  • Worked at HMV over Christmas 2015. They didn't keep me on.
  • And now I work at a laboratory doing grunt work that scientists don't want to do.

Man when I list it like that, it seems like I had a really depressing few years. Fear not, there was a lot...
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Man, fuck Christianity

Posted 08-01-2012 at 02:16 PM by Laser
I only say this because I have had the most exposure to Christians in my life, but seriously, fuck Christianity.

At university The Christian Society give out pancakes, cupcakes or brownies in exchange for people texting them questions (quite a sweet deal for sure). So of course, me being all up for anything related to free cupcakes send in a question and get it hand delivered and a little answer on a slip of paper which is usually some non-committal answer (like the smarmy agnostic...
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Quick Update To My Life (Reading Optional)

Posted 06-20-2012 at 06:18 AM by Laser
  • Gone to Aberystwyth University
  • Doing English Literature
  • Attempted to get a relationship. Failed.
  • Getting 2:1s in all essays and tests. Above average for 1st year uni students
  • Moved into a house in downtown Aberystwyth with 7 girls
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A level results

Posted 08-18-2011 at 01:28 AM by Laser
C in Philosophy
C in Media
C in Sociology (AS)
B in English

Off to Aberystwyth on the 24th.

I'm a tad dissapointed (some of the subjects I did really well in one exam, less well in the other) but still, got into my insurance choice. its all good
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Its so awesome seeing this forum back to life

Posted 08-14-2011 at 01:55 PM by Laser
Back in my day, when most of you were just twinkle in your daddy's ballsack, these forums were an orgy of beastiality, legendary trolling and very little actual discussion about Oddworld.

A time where every tiny detail about any rumor of a new oddworld game was dissected and eaten alive by Oddworld starved users.

Ya'll missed out on those times, and you are poorer intelectually and spiritually for it. That said, like the title suggests its awesome that this forum is...
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Man Fuck This Summer

Posted 08-22-2010 at 07:16 AM by Laser
Updated 08-22-2010 at 07:25 AM by Laser
This summer has been a bloody let down. Once again we were promised absolute scorching days and what do we get? Rain so hard it made people bleed and clouds so low you could turn them into candy floss with temperatures so low...etc etc. You see where I am going with this.

Shame because I wanted to at least try and get a tan.

On another note I am happy with my As levels

English Literature: A
Philosophy: A
Media: C
Critical Thinking:...
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Laser's A level Media Coursework

Posted 03-06-2010 at 05:43 AM by Laser
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I was like totally not here for a bit

Posted 01-02-2010 at 01:56 AM by Laser
Can someone quickly fill me in anything vaguely important which has happened to the forums?

Such as whats with the voting for Max and OANST?
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Musically, one of the biggest things for me. Ever.

Posted 08-29-2009 at 08:14 AM by Laser
Oasis has split up

Now I know you lot don't care (probally) but it is a big thing for me because I am a huuuge fan on theirs, always have

Personally, this is a bigger thing than Micheal Jackson's death. Fucking Liam Gallagher.
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