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Angry much?

Posted 03-05-2010 at 02:40 PM by alf's brother's mate
I am a huge atheist. Today I was told by a Christian preacher that turning your back on God is like pushing your Grandma down the stairs and spitting on her broken body. I am EXTREMELY angry. Someone tell me how to let it out.

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Posted 08-17-2009 at 11:51 AM by alf's brother's mate
I recently (don't lie you scumbag it was today) installed System Shock 2 after finding it under a pile of dust submerged boxes and a random assortment paraphernalia. I had bought it about 6 years ago, not realizing what a gem I had just picked up. Needless to say at the age of 8 years old I made it to the first room and failed to realize that the key code for the door I was stuck at was on a virtual CD I held in my hand.

Now I have always considered myself as a bit of a bad man when...
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Well if you must know....

Posted 08-10-2009 at 08:21 AM by alf's brother's mate
I have returned after a frenetic and excessively hectic first year at a new school. I have also recently returned from a rather rainy (at first) holiday in Bridlington (why did you not visit me Rexy?)(Assuming that you are still here) and after a few seconds of deep pondering/thought in a moment of boredom I have decided to poke my head in through the forum door and see how you people are doing and to see if the forum is still ticking along as it used to. Have a good summer and I hope to be on more...
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Japanese Food

Posted 04-18-2009 at 07:36 AM by alf's brother's mate
Tonight it's my cousin's 30th birthday and were going to a Japanese restaurant in Manchester, and I was wondering if anyone could advise me a good (not that mediocre Japanese meals exist) Japanese meal?

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Posted 03-31-2009 at 03:31 AM by alf's brother's mate
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Too late to apologize?

Posted 02-24-2009 at 08:00 AM by alf's brother's mate
Today I decided to stop being annoying, stop posting spam, stop being irritating, and stop annoying other forum members.

I feel much better now.
Sorry if I have ever annoyed you.

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New school and such...

Posted 08-19-2008 at 10:36 AM by alf's brother's mate
Seeing that this September I am moving schools, I wanted to just forenote that my presence in the forums may decline, as I will have much more Homework and after school studies to do.

In addition to this, obviously nervousness is a normal thing in moving to a completley new enviroment, but i was just wondering if anyone here had any tips on moving schools to share with me.

It would be nice, because up to now i have never moved house, nor changed to a school where I...
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Posted 08-01-2008 at 06:05 AM by alf's brother's mate
I was just panning through the forums when it hit me just how loyal and dedicated so many peolpe are. Like oddsville, 7 years on this forum! It was just amazing how commited some of you are to this forum. (im not knocking you people i think it's great!)

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Posted 07-22-2008 at 01:11 PM by alf's brother's mate
sorry guys this was just a test because my computer was messing around.
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