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minecraft online

Posted 10-16-2010 at 07:30 PM by pointblanc-slig
does anyone know where a site where i could buy minecraft online because i really want to get it
and also do they sell it in stores like the warehouse?


(its like 20 nz$ aye?)
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Writers block

Posted 10-09-2010 at 12:43 AM by pointblanc-slig
Damn writers block!!!
hey can you guys help i don't know what to write next in my fanfiction Boddy cream
do you guys reckon you could please read it and then give me some tips, or a sneak peek of what you would like to happen

Criticism welcome
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Posted 09-30-2010 at 09:33 AM by pointblanc-slig
i dont know if its school holidays where you live but...

why are these holidays taking so long!
i mean honestly am i the only one feeling this way?

oh and by the way was i supposed to put a real photo of me fr my profile picture???
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Text language

Posted 09-28-2010 at 08:53 PM by pointblanc-slig
all my friends are yousing it way to much and now i cant understand any texts i get
and i hate it when people use it on these forums i mean honestly these forums are the best forums (i reckon) on the web and if you're writing: lol thx 4 da com c u l8r
you're just killing it
(although its pretty good if you're in a hurry)

and also if you want you can check my fanfiction...
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Posted 09-15-2010 at 10:16 PM by pointblanc-slig
Hey im new to the forums and wouldn't mind if you could give me any good tips or anything that would be good for a newbie at OWF
and i dont have that many buddies right now so if you would like you can do that


P.S I just saw a really funny video on youtube so anyone that want's a little laugh check out the web link below
and if you thought it was funny the next one is...
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