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Video Game Music Update

Posted 04-11-2016 at 03:14 PM by Scrabaniac
Updated 04-11-2016 at 03:18 PM by Scrabaniac
Hey guys,

In my last blog I posted a track which I had been working on for a while. Well I have been working on it ever since, and I think I can finally say that I am almost 100% Happy with the end result!

Being a student paying thousands of pounds per year to study, I don't have sufficient funds to buy myself decent VSTIs/Sound Packs, so I have had to make do with what I already have, and I'm still happy with it, and would like to share it with you guys. I don't...
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Composing Game Music

Posted 02-15-2016 at 08:56 AM by Scrabaniac
Hi everyone, Long time no blog. Not that it matters. Anyway, for the past few years i've been playing with music editing/writing software, and am currently using Logic Pro X. Still very amateur at it, but i'm progressing. I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in hearing some of my work. I already know that my compositions are not amazing, but for someone who cannot actually read music, i am proud of myself for being able to write and learn my own pieces from scratch. This piece is inspired...
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Video Game Music

Posted 05-12-2015 at 04:00 PM by Scrabaniac
Hey everyone, i've been very busy this year struggling my way through university, and as a part-time hobby / stress reliever i have been brushing up on my music composing, which i have to say i am still a novice at, but i do enjoy it. I used to write instrumental pop/hip hop tracks for people to lease, which was successful, but i have decided to take a break from that and try my hand at writing Video Game Music, which is harder than it seems. Like general music itself, VGM is hard to please people...
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Posted 07-29-2014 at 10:38 AM by Scrabaniac
So.. i'm starting uni in september and i've got my tickets to freshers week.. Bit nervous i can't lie because who isn't when they are dumped into a place where they know nobody? Anyway, i was wondering if anyone has experienced freshers week and wouldn't mind telling me what it was like for them? I kinda know what to expect because its obviously a massive piss up Just interested in how others found it
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Posted 07-21-2014 at 12:59 PM by Scrabaniac
So i got a PS4 Today and decided to download a game which isn't that large at all. It is taking FOREVER to download and its barely on 50% and it started downloading at 4pm today.

I have a feeling that New 'n' Tasty will take even longer to download because its a large game. I probably wont be able to play it until christmas with Playstation's shitty download system and my Shitty internet :/
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Youtube Newbie?

Posted 07-16-2014 at 02:20 AM by Scrabaniac
I know how Youtube works, and i know all the "famous" names that use that site, But i have never really been a Youtube Uploader because i haven't had a reason to.

Basically from the past couple of months of having my new Macbook Pro, i have been experimenting with some music software, creating HipHop/Pop Music Instrumental tracks suitable for freestyles and singing. and decided to upload it to a Youtube account. I don't have many subscribers or many views, i think the highest views...
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OCD Issue

Posted 06-24-2014 at 06:17 AM by Scrabaniac
Throughout my years of using computers to type essays, assignments and to plan meetings for future brides and grooms for my wedding company etc, i've always been very aware of my grammar, spelling and spacing. But something has been REALLY bugging me the whole time i am on this forum and it sounds a little pathetic but.. I really HATE the fact that the first letter in my username is not a capital letter! Is there any possible way of changing 'scrabaniac' to 'Scrabaniac'?

Sorry to...
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I've had enough now.

Posted 05-16-2014 at 08:11 AM by Scrabaniac
This is a serious blog entry, and i'm on my last legs at the moment. I am underweight, i always have been and its my natural build to be skinny. I don't necessarily have TOO much of a problem with it because i would rather be underweight than overweight. What is really getting to me is the fact that every day of my life, i get strangers in the streets, at my college and even customers at work tell me how thin i am and how 'i should see a doctor' or 'you are an eyesore'.. Yes, i genuinely get these...
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Posted 05-07-2014 at 11:40 AM by Scrabaniac
Just needed somewhere to rant basically, but the other day i got a letter come through which was a 'Notice of Intended Prosecution'.. Apparently i was caught speeding at 78mph on a Dual carriageway.. Legally it is a 70mph zone but you are allowed leeway of 10%, which is 77mph. The letter did not state any particular fine nor did it state that i have the option to attend a speed awareness course.. for 1mph over the limit... I've been driving for 2 years with no problems, but i think i'm still in...
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Something Strange..

Posted 01-14-2014 at 02:25 PM by Scrabaniac
So i finally met my new girlfriend's parents Last night, and being typical parents they tried their best to embarrass her. so they dug up the baby photos and tried humiliating her. Then her mum pulled out a tag from the album which showed the date and time of her birth. i them discovered that we were born not only on the same day, but at EXACTLY the same time too!? This is really strange for be because my previous Girlfriends were not too far off.. My ex was born a day after me, and my ex before...
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