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I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

They were lies!
But everything else you read here is true!

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Another Lemon

Posted 08-25-2014 at 01:18 PM by JennyGenesis
Buy my shit if you like

I part exchanged it to the dealer, all he did during the exchange was ask the engine size, fuel type and mileage...

After I drop it off, he gets arsey with me saying the exhaust is loose...
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Ray wants a job

Posted 07-20-2014 at 02:24 PM by JennyGenesis
Do excuse me being rude and occupying two spaces in the latest blog section, but this was just too good to share.

I turn up to work tonight at Dominos and I'm told that Ray had come in to apply for a job to be a delivery driver, as in our window we are advertising vacancies for part time drivers.

This all happened hours before I started my shift, but he came in, said he wanted to apply, the person in the shop at the time gave him an application form, told him to fill...
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Hail to the bus driver

Posted 07-18-2014 at 01:21 PM by JennyGenesis
Today, I had fantastic news, I've been accepted by Stagecoach to be a bus driver for them, I am absolutely over the moon to be able to get this job as it's been my dream job since I was a very very young child.

As I was studying at university, I took on a part time job for Dominos Pizza as a delivery driver, since I left university I started working full time hours. However, I only took on the full time hours to give myself a full time job whilst I look for better paying work as it's...
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Got Him!

Posted 05-19-2014 at 08:28 AM by JennyGenesis
So, today I received some fantastic news, from the police, and no this isn't in relation to Ray, in fact I haven't heard from him in ages, I've seen him driving around occasionally, but haven't had no confrontations with him.

In February, I was in my way to uni, I was driving through the centre of the city when suddenly a man just decided to casually walk along the road, I nearly hit him, now the lights were green for me so there is no way that he should have been on the road. I slammed...
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My Dangerous Relative

Posted 05-06-2014 at 03:49 AM by JennyGenesis
Well I've just had a massive shock in my life, and before I reveal what this is, time for a bit of background, so everybody in the UK is currently aware of the headline news regarding the murder of Ann Maguire. For those outside the UK, a 15 year old has been charged with the murder of a school teacher after she was stabbed to death, needless to say, it has shocked the country, but literally days after this incident, local newspapers in my area were reporting that two schoolgirls have been arrested...
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This is what you wanted!

Posted 03-23-2014 at 03:26 PM by JennyGenesis
Updated 03-23-2014 at 03:47 PM by JennyGenesis
Yep the blog post the about the update since the last one, so where do we begin.

So it was my cousin's wedding on the weekend just gone, after the ceremony was over, my aunty had a chat to me and asked how I'd been, I explained what had happened with Ray the night before.

It all started with her asking me to send her his number, now I don't have it, and I thought my girlfriend had it, but she didn't have it either, so 5 minutes later and a Facebook search after, I had...
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Posted 03-20-2014 at 04:17 PM by JennyGenesis
Updated 03-20-2014 at 04:40 PM by JennyGenesis
Well I really wish that I was not writing this right now, buuuuuut, looks like I've had a run in with our little friend with the black Fiesta again.

So let's name this guy, ok not his real name, but for the sakes of this blog lets name him.... Ray.

I was at my girlfriends house tonight when a mutual friend phones me, Ray had just seen our friend in McDonalds and confronted her about me. He got her to phone me to say that I should walk up McDonalds right now so he can...
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I have a girlfriend

Posted 03-05-2014 at 02:48 PM by JennyGenesis
Updated 03-06-2014 at 12:39 AM by JennyGenesis
Yeah, some of you wanted confirmation on this, I really have nothing else to say except that we are really happy together, unexpected to say the least. We have known each other for about 3 years, but have been together since november.

The best part about is that that everybody I know really doesn't give a fuck either, only had about 2 people ask me the obvious question.

But what I really wanted to tell is the interesting adventure I've had in this time, to sum it up,...
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I bought a lemon.

Posted 02-11-2013 at 12:06 PM by JennyGenesis
Well, my first car has turned out to be a right dud. It has broken down on me 3 times so far!

The first time it broke down, it was snowing, I stalled the car, and couldn't get it started again, I put it down to the cold weather.

Second time, I was in work, on a rainy night, when suddenly I loose all my electrics, so I had to drive back to Dominos with my head out the drivers window as I had no lights and no wipers. I left my car at Dominos overnight and went back the...
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Finally Working

Posted 11-23-2012 at 01:04 PM by JennyGenesis
So after months of job hunting, I finally got myself a job!

I'm a delivery driver for my local Dominos branch, I was lucky to get the job, a friend had put on Facebook how she got a job working at the counter there, a friend commented asking if they had vacancies, she said they were only looking for drivers, so yesterday I dropped in my application form and they called me back 2 hours later wanting an interview right then.

So I did my first day today, I went out with...
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