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Posted 03-08-2017 at 12:46 AM by Vanilla ✜
I've been attempting to stick to my diet for well over a year now as over the last 3-4 years I jumped from a size 8 to a 10/11. While I'm still far from over weight, I still wanted to back to a size 8, I've been eating pretty clean for about 3 months with no chances so I decided to do a quick 10 minute work out every morning before I head off to work and after 4 weeks I've finally started to see progress. I've noticed trousers and tights becoming looser and stuff so...yay.
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The oddworld ARG

Posted 03-03-2017 at 06:54 PM by Vanilla ✜
With all of the ARG Oddworld stuff kicking off recently I wish I had more time and brain power to add a valuable contribution. Saying that, on one of the images I was the first (on the forums anyway) to piece the morse code sections together but still.
One thing I am super happy is the amount of interaction the Oddworld devs have had with fans, now my notifications page is filled with the Oddworld twitter liking and replying to my tweets to them and it makes me so very happy.
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