
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs > horia_roks

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Posted 07-29-2008 at 04:47 AM by horia_roks
I'm sooooo booooooored. Can ya, guys give me an idea (keep in mind - I'm 11)?
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I'm leaving OWF.

Posted 07-17-2008 at 02:57 AM by horia_roks
Updated 07-18-2008 at 09:16 PM by horia_roks
Just joking.
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Now that would blow my mind...

Posted 07-17-2008 at 02:56 AM by horia_roks
Yesterday I saw 4 things at Altex (a shop) in my grandparents' city: a PlayStation 3, Nitendo Wii, XBOX 360 AND GTA IV. And a HUGE TV. Any gamer's wish.
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Posted 06-13-2008 at 09:04 AM by horia_roks
I have a question: to make or not any more artwork?
I have 2 art threads -

You like them?
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