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Update/Ramble/Most boring blog ever-

Posted 03-30-2012 at 08:56 AM by Disgruntled Intern
Updated 03-30-2012 at 08:58 AM by Disgruntled Intern
So it's been a while, no? I think the last blog I posted was about Spike [my biological father] getting sick, being hospitalized and in an induced coma.

I left for California about a day after finding out what was going on with him [and at that point he'd already been in the ICU for about a week], and it was horrible. He lives in a town called Mammoth Lakes, but was hospitalized in Reno, which is about two hours away. I stayed in Mammoth for about a week to work in his store and help...
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My Dad is dying.

Posted 12-05-2011 at 02:21 PM by Disgruntled Intern
My biological father Spike [William, actually] is pretty much dying. I don't really know what to do. His brother is going to call me at some point today so I can make my flight arrangements to be with him, but jesus fucking christ, this waiting around/doing nothing/going crazy is fucking horrible. I just want to be there with him.

Anyway, there's a really slight chance that he might make it, so that's what I'm clinging to. Fucking god damned shit. Fuck
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Rambling update, pics, PLANS

Posted 07-01-2011 at 12:26 PM by Disgruntled Intern
This blog is going to be even more long and drawn out than usual. I apologize in advance. Also sort of picture heavy. And probably disjointed.

So not a whole lot has been going on with us. That's not to say that nothing has been going on, but it's just been calm seas for the most part. Most recently my brother Elvis was up for a rather lengthy visit, just over two weeks. That was really nice. I'm not taking summer classes, and Dorian is working full time Mon-Fri from about 8-6 [with...
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Dump dump DUMPIN'

Posted 05-18-2011 at 10:23 AM by Disgruntled Intern
Updated 05-18-2011 at 10:26 AM by Disgruntled Intern
[The included pictures were taken today, not last night]

So what's neat about our town is that older neighborhoods are not cleared/demolished to make way for tract housing and subdivisions. We happen to rent a cottage in one of the oldest neighborhoods in town, and we love it.

Our street/neighborhood is quiet, crime free, friendly and clean. Or used to be. Last night I stepped out onto our back deck to grab a smoke and mess around with our new phone. It was about 8:45...
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Blog etiquette be damned.

Posted 04-27-2011 at 12:08 PM by Disgruntled Intern
Updated 04-27-2011 at 12:15 PM by Disgruntled Intern
So I know it's shitty to have more than one blog up at a time, but I've reached my limit with certain family stresses, and I need to bitch. My bitching tends to prove entertaining to most of you, so hopefully this time won't be any different.

Also, the past couple of blog entries people have commented shit like 'good story', and I really need to be clear here : The shit I post isn't fiction. For the most part my life is incredibly dull, and rather than blogging about the vast stretches...
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A little help?

Posted 04-26-2011 at 02:13 PM by Disgruntled Intern
Was recently given a two hundred dollar gift card to [fucking ugh], and we have no idea what to get. We don't really need anything, but it seems a shame to stick these things away somewhere and just forget about them.

I was briefly considering getting this, but the off-site reviews aren't the best. At the same time, it would be nice to have a mid-sized piece of screen printing equipment because I could get back into making shirts.

I don't know, do any...
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New Years Disaster

Posted 04-04-2011 at 12:00 PM by Disgruntled Intern
Updated 04-04-2011 at 05:00 PM by Disgruntled Intern
So WoF said I should blog more, and although I'm fairly certain he was being sarcastic, I've got some free time.

My brother Elvis was visiting us here in Washington for the Holidays, so we figured we'd all go out to Seattle with our now ex-friends Nik and Alex for a good time. Here's what happened:

First of all, Alex decided she wasn't going to go because she's not 21 and didn't feel confident in the fact that she wouldn't get carded. Never mind the fact that it's...
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Posted 03-28-2011 at 03:07 PM by Disgruntled Intern
Updated 03-28-2011 at 05:04 PM by Disgruntled Intern
So I don't really post blogs anymore. Mostly because my life is dull and yeah yeah.

Anyway, my brother from a different mother has a business down in California [I think I've mentioned his services a couple of times] and I'm now working with him to expand up to the Pacific Northwest...and Beyooooonnnd.


So, anyway, his business is console repair. He's like the rainman of consoles. He was fixing the red ring of death back when Microsoft had their...
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Life from the passenger seat. Also, I've made a friend.

Posted 07-08-2010 at 10:42 AM by Disgruntled Intern
I scored a few days off of work, so I've been drinking a lot of beer. This means that poor Dorian has shuttling and scuttling my fat ass around town since I've been in no state to drive.

Anyway I've always liked the home movies that OANST shares with us, then fucking Pilot did it, so I figured what the fuck, why not, here we go. So we went out to some remote beach and I pretty much video taped the whole drive. I only stopped to drink more beers or make Dorian pull over so I could...
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Let's fuck

Posted 04-03-2010 at 06:29 PM by Disgruntled Intern
with the police? Society? I don't know. I'm going to be staging a series of events on Chatroulette and recording them in the process with some stupid fucking software that my co-worker/co-conspirator gave me. The software lets me record my computer screen. Ooo, technology.

Anyway, these 'events' border on illegal. They might be. I haven't had my free fifteen minute consultation with a lawyer yet. Either way, once these events have er, evented, been recorded, and been talked about,...
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