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PLEASE HELP! Pleeease!!!

Posted 02-05-2010 at 11:26 AM by Kimon
Updated 02-05-2010 at 02:00 PM by Kimon
Ok, so I know I haven't been active here basically at all in the past few months - IM SORRY GEEZ anyways I'm signing up for a bunch of scholarships to get me through school and one of them is a photo contest based on votes and views. So, if you could vote for me and get me money, that'd be great.

Also, if my sob story isn't enough, please keep in mind that this guy is beating me by 2000 votes:
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Member me?

Posted 08-22-2009 at 11:53 AM by Kimon
This is the first time I've been here in forever! I don't think I'll spend a lot of time here. Just checking in and things. Ahem.

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Posted 01-19-2009 at 07:21 PM by Kimon
Who out there knows a good program for unzipping .zip files on a Mac? Same for .rar files.

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Excuse me while I self-promote

Posted 01-07-2009 at 02:02 PM by Kimon

It's rife with rhythmic issues, and was poorly arranged, and a lot of everything could be better, but it's there, and making it has been pretty satisfying.

Anywhoo, check it out. It's the first song on

Whee! Oh, and Leto, I have picked out an interface and when I get it in a couple weeks I will be ready to record on my own... SWEET
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Posted 12-29-2008 at 06:01 AM by Kimon
I need your (or anybody else's) musical prowess, potentially. I got me a shmancy new Shure 2m57 microphone for Christmas (complete with stand and XLR cable), and I'm wondering what sorts of equipment I would need to connect that shite to my laptop (aka recording studio). A friend said something about an Mbox, but it's far too expensive for my budget...

If ya'lls got the know-how, help a guy out!
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Posted 12-20-2008 at 12:41 AM by Kimon
It's 4:37 A.M. I'm looking out the window of my dorm in Brooklyn on the 3rd of a 17 floor building. Everything is quiet and covered in snow and ice. At 8:00 A.M. my alarm will go off and I'll head to Penn Station to go back to Buffalo.

I am far too exhausted to write about my night right now, but I will when I get home. It's starts with me eating a sugar cube and ends at the beginning of this post. Stay tuned, it was eventful.
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Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.

Almost done, BITCHES

Posted 12-17-2008 at 07:48 PM by Kimon
Turns out all I have to do is finish my drawing final and a sculpture and I'll be done with all my homework for the rest of the semester. Huzzah! Then it's off to Buffalo to get recording equipment and talk to galleries. A full month of no responsibilities... time for some graffiti-related escapades. Pictures will surely be included!

Also I'll take some snapshots of all of my paintings and shit for ya'lls to view. God bless everyone.

Also I'm dropping a tab on Friday...
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What time is it?

Posted 11-15-2008 at 11:46 PM by Kimon
You Austrailian slash New Zealandic slash European slash western US motherfuckers. What time zone do you live in?!?

-Jack Daniels
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Posted 11-10-2008 at 03:43 PM by Kimon
I would like to post a bunch of artwork, but I don't have the cord for my camera and I caaaaaaaaaaaaaan't.

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I work in a library

Posted 11-09-2008 at 12:39 PM by Kimon
And I found a bunch of shit in the lost and found that I'm gonna lift. The list goes:

- A pack of expensive Micron pens labeled "ALEX" in big white letters.
- A little black leather-bound notebook
- a pencil sharpener
- a pad of paper
- a jump drive filled with algorithms and, creepily enough, nude pics of the ex-owners girlfriend. I actually feel kinda weird taking this one.
- Finally, a shit-ton of polaroids of old students in the freshman dorms....
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