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It may, in fact, make you delirious.
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A Conversation About IFB's

Posted 04-18-2012 at 09:04 AM by OANST
There is a recurring theme on the internet, and in life in general, of the militant atheist who is just as pushy, and stifling in their beliefs as proselytizing christians. This reputation is well earned by many of us. I, for example, can be extremely intolerant of religion. This blog is not going to discuss religion, though. This blog is an attempt to explain to people who did not grow up in an IFB (Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church) exactly why we approach the subject with so much hate,...
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A Life of Arctic Sounds

Posted 03-31-2012 at 06:27 AM by OANST
I bought a new car yesterday. It's a 97 Ford Taurus with 144,000 miles. I test drove it the day before, and everything was great. Brakes, transmission, engine, everything worked perfectly. So, I came back last night, payed for the car, and drove it off. After getting about a mile down the road, the brakes completely failed.

I fucking hate cars.
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Reading My Blogs

Posted 03-22-2012 at 01:39 PM by OANST
I read over most of my previous blogs today while I was bored, and my god, did they make me sad. I hadn't thought about how fundamentally my life has changed in quite a while, but after reading those blogs detailing all the little moments with my daughter it made me realize what a shallow existence I've been able to replace it with. However, it didn't make me depressed. Just made me sad.

But it also made me feel hope. Within a few months, I will have my daughter living with me, and...
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Posted 03-12-2012 at 06:26 AM by OANST
Hearing is today. Wil update afterwards.

That was an order. Wil, you need to update this after I get out of court.
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Two In a Row! The Nerve!

Posted 03-01-2012 at 12:26 PM by OANST
I had met up with this guy I went to grade school with at the Baptist school, and he was just starting up a web show. He asked me to write funny skits about church youth groups for it, and I thought it sounded like fun, so I did. Ultimately, he didn't really like it. He wanted it to have a message, or some such shit, and I couldn't really get him to be more specific, so I stopped trying. Anyway, I'll let you guys read what I wrote.

Youth Group Trip

A small...
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Posted 03-01-2012 at 07:38 AM by OANST
Today, in a few minutes, I am going to the court house to file for custody of my daughter. Wish me luck.
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Dad Died

Posted 01-26-2012 at 02:09 PM by OANST
Just found out that my dad died last night. Kind of numb right now.
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Weird Thing Popped Up. Won't Go Back Down.

Posted 12-25-2011 at 04:01 PM by OANST
I discovered recently that it is becoming very difficult for me to ejaculate. Sometimes it's impossible. Now, this may make me some kind of sexual superman as, yes, I do get an erection, and am capable of functioning sexually, but being incapable of climaxing means it could go on for hours. The last two times I had sex I was not able to orgasm at all, and it has been progressively getting more difficult to achieve orgasm for a while. Any thoughts?
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Getting Married

Posted 09-25-2011 at 02:10 PM by OANST
I asked Shannon to marry me yesterday, and she said yes. I have realized that the relationship that I have with her is everything that I wished the relationship I had with April was. She loves me. She believes in me. She gives me everything she has to give, and she will never give up on me. I love her, and I want to make her happy. I want to be happy myself, and when I'm with her I am. I'm going to give her everything I have to give, and I will grow old with someone who makes me feel good about...
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Posted 07-20-2011 at 10:26 AM by OANST
We just made reservations for our next vacation, and I'm pretty excited about it. We will be spending a week in coastal Maine, in a small fishing/artist community. No children will be coming with us. Just a lot of relaxing. It's about a 17 hour drive, and we'll have to pass through Canadia to get there, but the scenery should be very pretty.

This is where we are staying:

We are going in September.
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