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What are you afraid of?

Posted 09-24-2011 at 02:35 PM by Nemo
Updated 09-24-2011 at 02:45 PM by Nemo
Perhaps you're afraid you'll end up in a hell filled with organs and blood?

Or perhaps a deep ocean abyssal void, with no way to see what's 5 feet in front of you?

I'm afraid of these things. I'm also afraid of the fact that within a couple weeks, I'll be living in an entirely new home, nearly two hours away from the city. None of my friends are , so I can't vent about it to them.

I don't...
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Death to all carpet beetles

Posted 09-18-2011 at 10:03 AM by Nemo
I found two of the motherfuckers in my room, crawling along the corners of the walls. After capturing them, they promptly launched an attack, sending hair into my nostrils and making me sneeze and leak snot all day.

It's on, motherfuckers. I don't care if there's a hive of 10 million of you sonsabitches hiding under my drawer/bookcase. I'm going to send all of you to hell.

While cleaning, I found a knife under my bed. It'll serve well enough to behead the PoWs....
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This is what I get for eating an entire cake

Posted 06-12-2011 at 03:58 AM by Nemo
Updated 06-12-2011 at 04:01 AM by Nemo
I had a nightmare a long time ago, but for some reason I never realized it until now. It's truly one of the most horrifying dreams I can remember ever having, yet for some reason I never remembered it until a few minutes ago.

I was on some sort of street, out in the middle of nowhere. Not Nowhere, Kansas, but more like Nowhere, Maine or Wisconsin or some place like that, because the houses had this distinct feeling like they were from around the time of witches and all that....
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What the absolute fuck: Gay teen describes her time at a Utah brainwashing facility

Posted 05-27-2011 at 04:48 PM by Nemo

What the fuck.

What the absolute fuck.
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God damn it I'm angry and need to vent and none of my friends are online

Posted 05-05-2011 at 04:15 AM by Nemo
And I don't feel like dealing with that AMERICA bullshit on /b/

The truth is, I fucking hate you. Yes, it's 5 AM. Yes, I woke up about 19 hours ago, and haven't eaten since. So forgive me if I'm not as tactful as you usually think I am. But right now, for some god damn reason, I am more fucking angry with you than I ever have been.

I don't know what you think I've done to you, but to the best of my knowledge, I have never even fucking raised my voice at you. I've actually,
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Let's go slow, let's go fast

Posted 03-27-2011 at 07:09 AM by Nemo

Originally I was going to prepare this blog post ahead of time rather than wing it, but I thought "fuck it, let's wing it since notepad doesn't have proper formatting like the blog input window does and it (notepad) doesn't automatically skip to the next line once you exceed the horizontal limits of the input window and that just looks odd to me. It makes me think that it'll look completely different once I put it into the blog, and people will...
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I like this joke more than I'm willing to admit.

Posted 03-12-2011 at 05:50 PM by Nemo
In the beginning, there were two horses.

One of them was named Larry, one of them was named Henry, and one of them was named William.

Larry was always odd, and usually talked to himself. Often, this would upset Henry, who would wonder who Larry was talking to.

William didn't seem to mind, because William was a horse and had no concept of speech.
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I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby.

Posted 02-26-2011 at 09:29 AM by Nemo
Crazy shit. I came across a word grid, where you're supposed to see five different words based on your current mental state.
"Secret, resent, rage, scum, pogo."
I don't know how pogo sticks got into my subconscious.

I'm afraid I might end up addicted melatonin pills. Silly, I know. But...

My religious views are highly against being controlled by my desires, rather than controlling my desires myself. I don't like the idea of doing drugs for recreational...
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Vivid dreams suck

Posted 02-07-2011 at 07:28 PM by Nemo
Fuck you Christina stop breaking my heart and dying on me.
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Fuck jury duty.

Posted 02-01-2011 at 03:29 PM by Nemo
My feet are sore, my balls are drenched in sweat, I've been awake for well over 24 hours, and all I've had for sustenance since last night is a bag of doritos I bought at the end of the day, and a Monster I bought at the start.

All in all it was a good learning experience and I think I would've really enjoyed it if it wasn't for the fact that I was spending two fucking hours in a court room without air conditioning while wearing a winter jacket, only to have both trials...
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