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Oddworld Games

Posted 10-02-2007 at 11:10 PM by Rupture Farms
I'm just going to say what I think about all the brilliant OddWorld games (the ones I've played at least).

Abe's Oddysee

Along with Exoddus, it's easily my favourite game in the entire world. At the time, I had never seen anything like this before on the Playstation console. It was just so exciting.

The only letdown (which was fixed in the next game of course) is the inability to QuikSave.

I think the game's level of difficulty is just right. But it sure makes it a hell of a lot harder with no QuikSaving..


Abe's Exoddus

Just as good, if not better than Oddysee in some ways.

Those reasons are:

- The introduction of "QuikSaving"
- and the 2-disc set.

There isn't really anything else to say about it that I haven't covered with Oddysee.

As far as I'm concerned, a solid, hard 10/10.

As for the rest of the games, I haven't played them.
And I can assure you, that isn't my fault.

For some strange, annoying reason, they are available only to xBox; and would you beleive it, I don't have one...
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