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Get Back You Bastard, I'll break your legs!

Posted 12-28-2008 at 03:51 PM by Munch's Master
Ahh, Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights.

On boxing Day i went to the customary Boxing Day football match. Match sucked, my team lost, but that's not of relevance. What's of relevance is that before the match, walknig up the road to the pub, we saw a security van, and a bunch of cops dotted along the street as always. The van's alarm had gone off under an accidental false alarm, and over and over, for all the road to hear, it kept bleating
"Help! Help! Security Vehicle under attack! Please call the Police! *Breewoobreewoobrreeewooooo!!*
"Help! Help! Security Vehicle under attack! Please call the Police! *Breewoobreewoobrreeewooooo!!*

Cue the Phoenix Nights flashback and myself, plus several passers by, heartily guffawing. The fact that it looked a lot like Max & Paddy's camper van didn't help matters.
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Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
I always shout that as loud as I can whenever I hear anything like that. Often followed by a round of applause by a bunch of bystanding chavs.
Posted 12-28-2008 at 03:55 PM by Fuzzle Guy


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