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Night Clubbin', We're Night Clubbin', we're whats happenin'

Posted 10-01-2007 at 06:31 AM by Mac Sirloin
^ best song to listen to while playing Worms.

Alrighty, so I embarked upon an epic job hunt yesterday and eventually fund myself at Pizza Pizza, I'd applied there once before but decided to try again.

Looks like I amma gettin' a jorb.

However, I could also be hired at Microplay, a game/video store that has some sweet ass rewards, but I might not be getting as many hours.

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Slaveless's Avatar
You should compare the jobs. Take into account how long you would work at each place and see how much they pay for each hour. That way, you can turn down the job that pays the least and go for the one that pays more.

Of course, that would assume that both accepted you. So just take this into account if you get both jobs. If only one accepts you well, easier decision for you. Best of luck.
Posted 10-01-2007 at 02:55 PM by Slaveless


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