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Teacher for one lesson

Posted 11-13-2008 at 04:30 AM by Oddey
My english teacher has decided to let me teach one english lesson. This is probrably because my english is better than his...

So I ask the Oddworld Forums... Any suggestions as to what to do. I'm a little blank on the overall thing to teach...

Yes you may laugh at me for being clueless about what do with a chance that alot of kids want these days.
Total Comments 12


Teach Algebra.
Posted 11-13-2008 at 06:27 AM by Nemo

Xavier's Avatar
Do like me... teach them some java programming
(Ok, I'm not really a teacher, but I work for them)
Posted 11-13-2008 at 06:47 AM by Xavier

Wil's Avatar
Teach them how to one-handedly and sexily unhook and take a bra off someone.
Posted 11-13-2008 at 09:48 AM by Wil

Leto's Avatar
that's probably the only thing they'll use in english anyway. maybe teach them how to sex up a dolphin, Havoc posted quite a good guide you could use as your outline on it.
Posted 11-13-2008 at 10:50 AM by Leto

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Low blow, man.
Posted 11-13-2008 at 10:51 AM by Mac Sirloin

Laser's Avatar
Teach...Something so amazing that you will become a god in school...How to make a script to a porn film?
Posted 11-13-2008 at 11:46 AM by Laser

Nate's Avatar
Teach them about the internet!
Posted 11-13-2008 at 03:04 PM by Nate

mitsur's Avatar
Give them a course on checking themselves and others for breast cancer. With multiple demonstrations to make sure they know how to do it correctly.
Posted 11-13-2008 at 06:53 PM by mitsur

Oddey's Avatar
... Right... I'll take those into consideration. At the moment I still have no idea what to teach. The history of important video games in english sounds appealing... Or... Havoc's guide.
Posted 11-14-2008 at 05:10 AM by Oddey

How about some literature? All kids love big books.

I dunno. It would help if you told us how old the kids are.
Posted 11-14-2008 at 10:17 AM by Kimon

Havoc's Avatar
My guide?
Posted 11-15-2008 at 10:47 AM by Havoc

Oddey's Avatar
Well these kids don't. Except me. I wanted to make them read Jurassic Park but... Complications exist. Like the fact that they're thirteen, danish, underdisiplined, and hate books... Still haven't got anything... I'll just turn down the chance...
Posted 11-16-2008 at 12:43 AM by Oddey


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