
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs > mollck the glukon

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Posted 09-21-2007 at 08:18 PM by mollck the glukon
Updated 12-18-2009 at 02:43 AM by mollck the glukon
Total Comments 6


Chubfish's Avatar
...uh I guess not.
Posted 09-22-2007 at 06:51 AM by Chubfish

Nate's Avatar

I enjoyed it more because it's shot in Melbourne (my homecity) and it stars all sorts of second-rate local actors than because it was actually a good movie. It's still pretty good for an action-comic book film. But my friend who's obsessed with the comics hated it because it wasn't true to the continuuity.
Posted 09-22-2007 at 07:41 AM by Nate

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
It also had Nicholas cage overacting.
Posted 09-22-2007 at 09:01 AM by Mac Sirloin

Nate's Avatar
Surely that's a tautology?
Posted 09-22-2007 at 06:09 PM by Nate

I'ven't seen Gost Rider.
I have seen Ghost Rider, however.
Posted 09-22-2007 at 11:54 PM by Nemo

Hobo's Avatar
*appreciate's Nate's comment otherwise no one but Bunce will, and he doesn't read blogs*
Posted 10-04-2007 at 01:51 PM by Hobo


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