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A Max to Grind

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I’m going to a different country!

Posted 09-13-2008 at 11:59 AM by Wil
Just for a week! I’m going to Scotland with my Dad and his lady friend, driving up the west coast and down the east, camping and B&Bing. Along the way, we are going on a five-hour whale-watching boat trip, red squirrel spotting, and trying to get a look at the U.K.’s only wild wallaby colony. Maybe we’ll also spot bottlenose dolphins in Morray Firth, their most northerly home, and I want to see a pine martin, damnit.

Anyway, to Scotland! I doubt I’ll have anything more than cursory Internet access for photo-uploading-to-free-up-memory-card-space, so this is ta ra for a week and a bit.

Total Comments 19


used:)'s Avatar
Sounds like quite the good time. Tell me if you see the Proclaimers.
Posted 09-13-2008 at 12:22 PM by used:)

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Posted 09-13-2008 at 12:24 PM by Wings of Fire

Jordan's Avatar
I've always wanted to go to Scotland, sounds epic. Have fun.
Posted 09-13-2008 at 12:53 PM by Jordan

Leto's Avatar
seeya later Max
Posted 09-13-2008 at 01:24 PM by Leto

Xavier's Avatar
have some fun, try to visit a couple of haunted castles...
Posted 09-13-2008 at 04:32 PM by Xavier

Nate's Avatar
My first thought was "That sounds cool!"
My second thought was "Why the fuck would Scotland have a wild wallaby sanctuary?"
My third thought was a mental image of the Australian national rugby squad trapped in a paddock and forced to live off grubs and insects.
Posted 09-13-2008 at 05:58 PM by Nate

Oddsville's Avatar
Have a safe trip and make sure you blend in by getting drunk!
Posted 09-13-2008 at 08:36 PM by Oddsville

OddjobAbe's Avatar
You'll love it up there. It's a great place. Rains all the time, though, but that's what makes Scotland Scotland. I remember visiting Edinborough. I watched a whole load of Rab C. Nesbitt episodes so that I could understand people with a real strong accent.
Posted 09-14-2008 at 12:32 AM by OddjobAbe

Laser's Avatar

You haven't been to scotland until you try either Haggis or Deep Fried Pizza :P
Posted 09-14-2008 at 08:05 AM by Laser

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I had a Deep Fried Mars Bar once. I wouldn't recommend it.
Posted 09-14-2008 at 08:16 AM by OddjobAbe

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I would, but like, once a year.
Posted 09-14-2008 at 08:19 AM by Mac Sirloin

Jordan's Avatar
This shop in our high street used to be a chippy, and it did battered Mars bars and Snickers. It closed down shortly. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU EAT BATTERED CHOCOLATE?
Posted 09-14-2008 at 10:16 AM by Jordan

OddjobAbe's Avatar
For a laugh, perhaps. I can't think of any other reason that anyone would.
Posted 09-14-2008 at 10:57 AM by OddjobAbe

Wings of Fire's Avatar
In the world of tomorrow dreams our future lies, In the world of tomorrow dreams our hope will rise! says (21:56):
Can't You See Through This Masquerade? says (21:56):
American beer is much nicer
In the world of tomorrow dreams our future lies, In the world of tomorrow dreams our hope will rise! says (21:57):
You're Scottish aint ya?
Can't You See Through This Masquerade? says (21:57):
In the world of tomorrow dreams our future lies, In the world of tomorrow dreams our hope will rise! says (21:57):
Why would you eat battered chocolate?
Can't You See Through This Masquerade? says (21:58):
I wouldn't
There we have it.
Posted 09-14-2008 at 01:00 PM by Wings of Fire

Xavier's Avatar
nice usernames, even if they're a bit too long
Posted 09-14-2008 at 10:51 PM by Xavier

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Wat yoo dooweeng, yoo crayzee bugger? Yoo carnt doo thees, orl runneeng off too Scotland, mann!
Posted 09-15-2008 at 12:44 PM by Bullet Magnet

OddjobAbe's Avatar
Posted 09-15-2008 at 10:27 PM by OddjobAbe

Laser's Avatar
I love battered mars bars

But one a life time is ok for a healthy person
Posted 09-16-2008 at 06:04 AM by Laser

Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
Oi! There are wild Wallabies on the Isle of Man! But that's not the UK, so you're forgiven.
Posted 09-26-2008 at 04:52 PM by Fuzzle Guy


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