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Only a warrior with a clear heart, could have the honour to be kissed by the sun...

Posted 08-23-2008 at 03:34 PM by Wings of Fire
Yes! I am that warrior, I followed my way
Led by the force of cosmic soul I can etc etc...

Disregard the lyrics, I had fun in Majorca (Although I will admit that my stomach was in knots for the first week (Waiting for my results) and my bowels were in knots for the second (Chronic constipation, and the laxatives really did me no favours).

There was none of this 'Five Star Hotel' nonsense, me, my mum and my stepdad stayed in a slightly poky apartment for two weeks, however I think on retrospect I'm quite glad of that as it gave me an indicator of the True Majorca, not the shit the tourists are practically force fed. And what tourists! Two size too big sunglasses were very much in fashion as well as simply ghastly dresses, short shorts (Not a problem in themselves, but bear in mind most of these British and German tourists had maybe had one too many paellas Badum tsh!, and of course there was the token sombrero guy, quite ignorant of the fact that the sombrero is a typical piece [i]Mexican{/i] headware (One could blame the purveyors of such merchandise but theirs is less a folly than good mercantile sensibility.

There wasn't much to do in Majorca, which suited me just fine, I am by nature a lazy bastard and thought I needed a well deserved break after all the hard work I put into school stuff this year. My days were primarily spent lazing on a sunbed reading one of a small library of books I bought foreseeing the eventuality and the nights were spent playing Final Fantasy VI Advance while trying not to listen to the God awful entertainment on offer by the hotel my parents patronised (Because a family friend was the head bartender, free drinks are winful.). About the only good entertainment in that place was the semi drunk magician who routinely swore at the little kiddies, but the tourists swallowed such atrocities as the karaoke night and the local band (Who played the fast songs too slow and the slow songs too fast) with a drunken smile on their chubby red faces, so who am I to argue with the wheels of the tourism industry?

Oh, I also swam in the Mediterranean, quite a feat for someone who can't actually swim. By keeping to the rocky shoreline and holding onto nicely placed handhelds I could *swim* without actually getting into the water, bit of a useless endeavor but it succeeded in providing a nice little exercise and diversion when I got bored of reading.

All in all a rather excellent holiday, it's certainly put me in the right frame of mind for my new home in Glasgow in less than a month .

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ten char
Posted 08-23-2008 at 06:53 PM by Salamander

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If this is tl;dr to you, then you have pretty shitty standards.

Sounds like fun. I'd love to go to Spain some day. I love the desertish quality of some of its geography.
Posted 08-23-2008 at 07:05 PM by used:)

Posted 08-23-2008 at 10:39 PM by Nemo


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