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Things I wanted to get to.

Posted 09-15-2007 at 01:43 PM by Nemo
Updated 09-18-2007 at 02:51 PM by Nemo
  • OWF is different to everyone. Everyone sees a different style, design, and atmosphere in OWF.
  • No one knows how they got to OWF, how it was created, where it came from, etc. etc.
  • Different sections ranging from a vast ocean to a large alien-like-place.
  • Everyday life in OWF. Things like:
  1. The economy. How does we makes the monys?
  2. Politics?
  3. Relationships. How does we makes babys? Where does we find moar baby-makrs? Wot gud restrants r ther?

I'll add more.

Total Comments 18


Slaveless's Avatar
Is it possible that each forum in OWF is represented as a place? For example, I imagine the Fan Corner area to be sort of an art gallery thrown in with a coffee shop. The coffee shop is where everyone starts at when they enter the room. This is mainly where art is created; people are drawing, some are typing stories, few are making games, and others are creating film productions. The coffee idea is just for the artists creating something with an amount of caffine in their body to keep working.

The coffee shops eventually have a desk operated by a Moderator. When art is thrown at them, they have to find space. They will find room for the art exhibits (remember, OWF is a vast place. There is enough room for thousands of art pieces to be made.) in the hallways that never seem to end. Entire theaters will run new films developed for the public to be seen. Arcades in a hallway branching off of the coffee shop display the games. Enterance for members is free, but they have to pay for their caffine. And the libraries, found next to the Theater Six, displays manuscripts or entire fan fictions in book shelves. Updation to all projects are created by the Moderators, who seem to have powers that go beyond their own knowledge.

Or at least that's what I would think of them as.
Posted 09-15-2007 at 02:38 PM by Slaveless

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Wow Slaveless, maybe you should write this.

No, I am kidding. (Asskissery, etc...)

Perhaps the Off Topic Discussion could be made of four segments, news, represented by a Newspaper, Welcomes and Birthdays as a postcard/cake, Non Oddworld gaming as a recognizble mass of pixels, and generally random discussion by Douglas Addams Severed head.

As OTD has more threads in it then any other Part of the Zulags, it could be an enormous building.
Posted 09-15-2007 at 06:28 PM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 09-17-2007 at 03:58 AM by Mac Sirloin

Slaveless's Avatar
Thank you Kastere. I try.

I like the 'everyone imagines OWF's design' idea. It reminds me of Battlestar Galactica where the Cylons' baseships have some sort of special system. Their base ships are designed to look like a maze with nothing different with each hallway in reality. But the way Cylons get across is that they project their thoughts into the walls and display what they imagine it to them. For example, one of them imagines they are in a forest on the base ship.

That is one idea, but I think you should change it a little. The structure of buildings is the same (aka, there is always the same wall in everyone's OWF, it never disappears or changes its position), but how it is built is different. Those who like an Industerial look have the wall metal, very much like the factories in the Magog Cartel. Those, however, who imagine a fancy mansion area to be acceptable, will have sort of smart, palace like place.

On the how OWF got created thing, could it be possible that the only one who knows the answer of how OWF exists is the creator himself? No, not Alcar, he is the administor that received the powers from another administor. The secret of OWF is supposily found at secret Administor room. This room can only be seen by Admins (certain areas entered by a member have restrictions; a member who enters the Employee Lounge will see merely a janitor's closet, but a Moderator or gifted member can see the Employee Lounge as a luxurious place. There are other rooms, such as the Displinary Gallery. (a place where Moderators can give punishment onto a file for a member. The file is really a member's voodoo doll and special pins pressed inside represent infractions given to the member. The member goes into a coma for the infraction's time, but eventually gets use to the pain. After five or so pins, the member is wiped away from OWF)) This room can only be entered by an Administor (again, a janitor's closet if anyone else entered it (If you're curious, there really are janitor closets at OWF, so it is a perfect replacement)) but Alcar was never given the location of this room. No Admin has been so obsessed about this room to go looking for it actually.

Yet another theory on how this could turn out.
Posted 09-15-2007 at 07:15 PM by Slaveless

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I like the Battlestar Galactica lore, and the idea, its incredibly thoughtful.

I have another contribution.

User CP is reached by touching the oddworld logo, given to members upon account activation. when they do so, Their own perception of the CP comes before them, using a touch interface to change things.
Posted 09-15-2007 at 07:39 PM by Mac Sirloin

Well, see, what I meant by "OWF is different to everyone" is that everything of OWF is different to everyone.
So that one person could see a building having a certain floor plan, while a different person see's an entirely different floor plan, but their minds are connected in a way so that Person #1 won't see Person #2 walking through walls/objects, and Person #2 won't see Person #1 sitting on an invisible chair/interacting with something that isn't there.
Posted 09-15-2007 at 09:59 PM by Nemo

scrab queen's Avatar
In my opinion, I like the generic building better. It would be really complicated to have one person talking about a stain on the wall that isn't there for the other person (because it blends with thier design). It would be really interesting to see though.
Posted 09-15-2007 at 11:23 PM by scrab queen

In which case, the stain will either be important, and be implicated into everyone's building, or it'll be weeded out with the whole mind-connection theory.
Posted 09-16-2007 at 03:49 AM by Nemo

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
These building could suddenly come alive and mind rape anyone connected to them.

Oh, come on, I COULD NOT have been the only one thinking that.
Posted 09-16-2007 at 05:26 AM by Mac Sirloin

Slaveless's Avatar
So Nemo, does this mean that pretty much mean that the buildings someone goes into has the same design as the building someone else sees?

Does this also mean that forumers can have the same forum in their mind as enough, or something entirely different for each person?
Posted 09-16-2007 at 03:01 PM by Slaveless

It's HIGHLY unlikely that two people would have the same OWF.

It is, however, possible.

Differences can be as subtle as an object being an inch to the left.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 12:34 AM by Nemo

scrab queen's Avatar
OH! quick and random idea that you don't have to take me seriously for.

Somehow some game freak found out about the system and is looking for glitches and secret worlds, and soon the whole geek freak part of OWF is hunting for this stuff. eventually they get into the system and gain powers, and the system is messed up. The n00b filter malfunctions. You all know what happens next.
Either that or they all get mind raped.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 05:51 PM by scrab queen

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Thats sick.

And not in the 'rich preppy kid' sick, I mean honestly, SICK.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 08:50 PM by Mac Sirloin

Alcar's Avatar
The OWF were created by Sydney.

End of story

Posted 09-18-2007 at 04:38 AM by Alcar

I feel blessed.

Alcar has commented on my blog.

Posted 09-18-2007 at 02:51 PM by Nemo

Slaveless's Avatar
I noticed how you started talking about the ecomony, politics, and how babies are made. Uff. That is going to be tough to answer.

I figured people got money in OWF through public services. For example, someone might be paid to make the brunch for the OWF. Maybe clean up some of the junk left in Off Topic Forum and the OddChat. Others may be paid to fulfill duties that moderators need to do, but don't. Such as trying to post board announcements through out OWF. Others may be paid to make artistic contributes. Like Max and Xavier are paid for their work of collecting all Oddworld information. Others may be paid for their art that they created for OWF that will displayed. And of course, moderators are paid for just being a moderator. Although, some members are paid to be part of political campaign. Alcar will get his money through the taxes he gives out to pay for the place to exist.

Any questions?

2. Politics? As in OWF politics? OWF seems like a place that ruled through a dicatorship. Who the administor is, is depended on the creator, or the administor after the creator. Moderators are promoted rarily through election.

What kind of politics might one believe in? There would probably be how a moderator uses their powers. One might believe a moderator is a person who can do whatever he pleases, but another might believe a moderator is simply a person who has responsibility. This would depend on a person's view of a moderator. Those who, say, like Rich might never question his choices or actions. Others, might believe that they shouldn't like him and will take a keen eye on his decisions. In other words, they believe in a non-bias society. Makes sense?

3. Babies? I thought OWF was a place people enter, not being born into. Oh well...

I guess each member has the ability to give birth. It would have to mean they would have to have a heterosexual relationship with another. But I don't think that would ever come up, since only a small portion of us members actually want/have kids.

Restraints? Are you kidding me? Unless the member seriousily wants a kid, they won't have a kid. End of story.

Wait... Are you telling me that members are born into OWF? Then of course I would say something different.
Posted 10-13-2007 at 10:24 AM by Slaveless

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Oh, yeah remember when I was whining about villainy, etc...?

Posted 10-13-2007 at 11:25 AM by Mac Sirloin

I meant restuarants.
Seems like someone is getting a little frisky.
Posted 10-14-2007 at 09:20 PM by Nemo

Slaveless's Avatar
Restuarants? That makes a huge difference. There's simply is the Employee Lounge and the massive cafeteria. There are no restuarants. The majical (pun) cafeteria makes all the food. If you want a date, you go outside for a walk.

I'm not frisky. I am actually a very calm person. (that should answer your question, if you meant as in angry or the 'other' feeling)
Posted 10-15-2007 at 02:30 PM by Slaveless


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