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Fuck my life (part 2)

Posted 07-11-2008 at 09:45 PM by used:)
So, I was going to see Hellboy II today, a movie I've been anticipating for some time. Anyway, a friend of mine invited to go with him and some others to see it today. Unfotunately, I agreed to help my dick head uncle with some farm work before my friend gave me the time. My friend later decided to change the time because he had something to do at the original time. Normally when I help out my uncle, I tend to be there half of the expected time, so I figured I might be able to make the new time. Unfortunately, I was helping my uncle for the expected four hours, and I was fucking exhausted afterwards. So, after I found out I missed the show by thrity minutes, I started to wonder why we couldn't have just made the evening show. I mean, surely a friend would be willing to change the time to something that everyone can work with. I don't know of too many people were busy in the evening, but he could have at least given me a reason. I'm upset about missing it on opening night for some sociopathic douche bag of a relative, but I really didn't want to see it with my "friends" anyway. The two alphas are, most of the time, pretentious about most things creative and critique everything they see/hear/drink/shit and generally don't know what the fuck they're talking about half the time.

"The best way to describe Indiana Jones.......was clam. "

"Beowulf was a very poetic movie. "

Ugh, SHUT UP!!!!

On the upside, I think I was almost attacked by a coyote while walking my dog on a road going through the woods last night . I was tempted to take an eight mile route back to my house, alarming every dog within a 50 ft radius, but in the end, I valued my life lower than my pride and snuck past whatever the hell was in those woods.
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Leto's Avatar
Whoah Jesus, I know how friends in speechmarks work. When they get to a point where all they do is piss you off, you'll lose touch for the best.

as for the coyote... well, fuck the coyote, bet he was UGLY
Posted 07-12-2008 at 01:26 AM by Leto

used:)'s Avatar
Ehh, it's not as simple as that. He's a trombone player and is in pretty much every musical ensemble in my school, so I'm around him a lot. I only have one more year before I don't have to be around these people anymore anyway, so I think I can hold out.
Posted 07-14-2008 at 05:49 PM by used:)


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