I Went Through All My Old Posts Last Night at 00:30
Posted 06-12-2020 at 12:44 AM by STM
It made me sad because if I spend too much time thinking about OWF I get sad at how many cool internet friends just slipped into the abyss. Like, what's Bullet Magnet doing right now? What scheme is he working on? Oh Bullet Magnet. You took my faith from me years ago and now I'm Buddhist, so I win in the long term.
For about three years I thought Disgruntled Intern's avatar was actually him, not Zach Galifianaisaksfksis, so when he used to tell me off for being a 14 year old on the internet I would look at angry Zach and it would make it all worse.
Remember T-Nex? She helped me with my English Language GCSE by letting me analysis her non-native English and I got a C. A fucking C. Thanks for nothing, T-Nex.
The lowest point in my life was not the years of my spiralling depression. It was in 2011 when I made a thread about numbers stations and Mac Sirloin said I was a fucking moron and that everyone already knew about them. What a grumpy sausage Kastere was god I miss him so much.
My first memory of the forums is when I was 12 and Oddjob told me to draw Glukkon Hentai. You can literally watch my sweet, angelic, Catholic baby boy innocence evaporate over the course of two posts. I was never the same after that.
I met up with MeechMunchie once at a pub in Bristol and he was an hour late because he couldn't stop pooping. Little did he know I couldn't stop pooping either, I just did it all in my pants throughout the course of our meeting.