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Blogs From Mudos #2 - The Joys of Learning Japanese

Posted 10-14-2017 at 02:50 AM by TheManFromMudos
こんにちは、みんな! It's me, TheManFromMudos, and today I'm back again with another 'Blog From Mudos'. As you may have gathered from the title of this particular blog, I'm going to talk a little today about learning Japanese, or more specifically, why I'm learning Japanese. For those of you who don't know, I began studying the language about a year ago. Now, I can tell straight away what some of you may be thinking: 'He's learning Japanese? What a weeb...' But let me just stop you right there.

Before we go any further, I'd just like to clear one thing up. In my entire life, I have only ever watched one anime series. That's right, one. For those of you who are interested, it was 'Hetalia: Axis Powers', a series where the nations of the world are personified as human characters. The fact is, I'm just not particularly interested in anime. And if I'm not particularly interested in anime, I can't really be considered 'obsessed' with it, now can I? So let's just strike that one off the 'weeb' list, shall we?

Now, at this point, those of you who like to generalise might be thinking: 'Well if he doesn't like anime, why's he learning Japanese?' So I'll tell you. Believe it or not, folks, there is actually a country called Japan, where actual living people speak Japanese. And if one had the desire to go to a country where everybody speaks Japanese, it might be handy to actually speak it oneself, wouldn't you agree? And that's where I come in, once again. I'm learning Japanese because I want to go to Japan.

'But hold on. This doesn't add up. He says he's not a weeb, but he wants to go to Japan? Impossible!' If that's what you're thinking right now, then I'm sorry to say it, but you're being narrow-minded. Because believe it or not, people can learn Japanese, and even have the desire to live in Japan, and not be a 'weeb'. So why do I want to go to Japan? The answer is actually pretty simple: I want to go to Japan because I want to be an English teacher. That's right, I want to teach Japanese people to speak English.

And again, people start to say the most ridiculous things: 'But Saul, if you want to teach English, why don't you just go to France or Germany?' And to me, that's the equivalent of someone saying: 'But Saul, you can study for a degree at university right here in your home town. Why bother moving to the other side of the country?' And the answer to both of those questions is that I simply don't want to do that. I want to make my decisions by myself, and do what I want to do. Without being reviled for it.

The reality of the situation, as I see it, is that many people don't understand why I'd want to do something like this with my life, or don't believe that I even can. And this annoys me. It annoys me because many of my friends have ambitions to live and work in America in the future, or Australia. And when they tell people their ambitions, they're met with resounding support. But when I tell people my ambitions, more often than not, they look at me as if I'm completely insane. But why is this?

Is it because America and Australia are English-speaking countries, whereas Japan isn't? Is it because America and Australia have somewhat similar cultures to the UK, whereas Japan doesn't? Or is it perhaps because of this negative perception that anyone who's interested in Japan is an anime-obsessed weeb? Sadly, I'm inclined to believe that it's the latter. And so, for now, I have no choice but to continue to be inaccurately labelled as a 'weeb' just because I want to pursue a career in Japan.

Either way, I hope that I've at least changed the opinions of you guys. Sorry for droning on for so long, but this is a subject that I do feel quite passionately about. I won't leave you with any questions today, but I will ask you this: The next time you see someone stuying Japanese, reading Japanese books or comics, or even watching anime, please don't jump the gun by assuming that they are anything more than individuals with a genuine interest in the language or culture. Thank you, and I'll be back again soon.
Total Comments 15


Varrok's Avatar
I started learning Japanese AFTER it was cool.
Posted 10-14-2017 at 11:09 AM by Varrok

CravenKnight's Avatar
hey i thought you left
Posted 10-14-2017 at 12:07 PM by CravenKnight

[QUOTE]hey i thought you left[/QUOTE]
your clearly toxic.

OP what's wrong with being a weeaboo huh?
Posted 10-14-2017 at 01:23 PM by Oddio

CravenKnight's Avatar
fuckin weeaboos
Posted 10-14-2017 at 01:41 PM by CravenKnight

TheManFromMudos's Avatar
I started learning Japanese AFTER it was cool.
Damn straight, Varrok. I was here first and don't you forget it!
OP what's wrong with being a weeaboo huh?
I'm not saying there's necessarily a problem with beeing a weeaboo. It's certainly not a problem that I personally have. It's just that whenever people learn that I'm studying Japanese, they make that assumption, and jump to conclusions about why I'm doing it, not stopping to think that I might just be doing it because I have real aspirations for the future.
Posted 10-14-2017 at 10:54 PM by TheManFromMudos

Nepsotic's Avatar
Actually, it's probably just a joke.

I have only ever watched one anime series. That's right, one. For those of you who are interested, it was 'Hetalia: Axis Powers'
Fucking hell no wonder you're not a weeb. If my first anime was Hetalia it'd probably be my last as well
Posted 10-15-2017 at 09:52 AM by Nepsotic

[QUOTE]I'm not saying there's necessarily a problem with beeing a weeaboo. It's certainly not a problem that I personally have. It's just that whenever people learn that I'm studying Japanese, they make that assumption, and jump to conclusions about why I'm doing it, not stopping to think that I might just be doing it because I have real aspirations for the future.[/QUOTE]
dude, why do you even care what people think of you? so maybe you do have something against weebs.

are you narcissistic?
Posted 10-15-2017 at 10:11 AM by Oddio
Updated 10-15-2017 at 10:21 AM by Oddio

TheManFromMudos's Avatar
Fucking hell no wonder you're not a weeb. If my first anime was Hetalia it'd probably be my last as well
Yeah, it was pretty awful. I've played a few anime-style games as well, though, most notably the Persona series, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Posted 10-15-2017 at 11:46 PM by TheManFromMudos

Havoc's Avatar
People learning Japanese for anime are some of the most cringiest people on the planet. Congratulations, you're not cringe!
Posted 10-19-2017 at 09:01 AM by Havoc

EVP_Glukkon's Avatar
DUDE.. JAPAN is bat shit crazy. I was an idiot trying to learn their chicken scratch with the same intention, to get work and nail a Jap girl.

I don't watch anime, can't stand that BS. I cringe in moments in Metal gear Solid for god sake.. but I was sold on all the bunny ear, school dress, bouncy around, cute accent crap.

RESEARCH IT TO HELL.. their work ethic is comepletely nuts.. their expectations, their outlook on life.. they are from another world. You'll by-pass a lot being an english teacher forginer scumbag, but dont expect career advancement unless you are a woman.

PRO-TIP learn pyschology.. Japs think depression is weakness/pathetic, so guess who all the shrinks are? WHITE FOLKS.. their laughing to the bank because they are the only ones Japs can cry to.. learn that and fly over and reap the rewards of being paid enough to live comfortable instead of struggling to get by like everyone else there that whines about how they are a paycheck away from having to return to their home country but insist Japan is great because of reasons???? and video footage of a city at night because all the lights and shit make up for it??

Think it through mate.. please.. think it through.
Posted 10-20-2017 at 08:58 AM by EVP_Glukkon

Phoetux's Avatar
Actually, not only Japan is a country like EVP described.
They're not from another world, they're ahead. And people who are new to their lifestyle can be scared.

And if you're scared of their lifestyle, you gotta think that the rest of the world is possibly turning into a place like that, it's already happening.

Also Mudos, long words but the content was short. What do you find interesting in Japan itself?
Posted 10-20-2017 at 09:43 AM by Phoetux
Updated 10-20-2017 at 09:51 AM by Phoetux

TheManFromMudos's Avatar
What do you find interesting in Japan itself?
That's an excellent question, Phoetux, and one which I'll answer for you right now. I believe I can sum up my interest in Japan in just three words: Scenery, History and Language.

First of all, as I grew up in Yorkshire in the North of England, I was never far from the Yorkshire Dales, the Pennine Hills, and the Peak Dsitrict. I really got to know and love this scenery, and I really wanted to experience other places like it. Japan has some really beautiful mountains and countryside, and whilst other countries can also boast that, this was only a fraction of the reason why I decided on Japan, so bear with me.

My interest in the history and culture of Japan was another factor in the decision to pursue a career there. When I say culture, I'm talking about the ancient culture, the Shintoism, the holy shrines and such like. I find the whole mythology of Japan's traditional culture fascinating, and those 'sacred places' are ones which I would love the opportunity to experience firsthand.

And finally, the language itself. Japanese is a language which I have a great interest in. The written script, the sound of the words and sentences. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is about the language that makes me like it so much, but I do, and I've loved studying it for the past year. Now I'd like the chance to put my knowledge to good use.

So, there you have it. It's a combination of these three factors, plus a couple of smaller things, that came together to persuade me that Japan was the country for me. And I assure you, it was a tough decision to make, but I have made it now, and I'm happy with my choice.

Think it through mate.. please.. think it through.
I appreciate your concern, mate, honestly I do. But let me put your mind at rest by assuring you that I have spent hours upon hours of time researching everything I could possibly need to consider before making a decision as drastic as this. I know the risks I'll be taking, and I know how hard it'll be to settle in to a new life in a completely new environment. But trust me, I am prepared to take those risks.

Also, if it's any consolation, I'll be applying for an English teaching job through a special programme which starts on a minimum term of one year. If things really don't go according to plan, and I can't stick it out over there, no matter how prepared, then that will be my lifeline to return to the UK, perhaps a little red-faced, but wiser for the experience.
Posted 10-21-2017 at 02:22 AM by TheManFromMudos

EVP_Glukkon's Avatar
Glad to hear you have it all sorted then, I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy your time there.
Posted 10-21-2017 at 04:27 AM by EVP_Glukkon

CravenKnight's Avatar
tl;dr make sure the schoolkids don't cut your fucking head off
Posted 10-21-2017 at 10:55 AM by CravenKnight

Phoetux's Avatar
Japan has some really beautiful mountains and countryside, and whilst other countries can also boast that, this was only a fraction of the reason why I decided on Japan, so bear with me.
Gotta agree, Japan's nature side is pretty unique and I love it too. It strangely fits most of the times (actually always lol) with towns in photos and it's always great. This side of this country is one of the main reasons I'd like to go there once.
I find the whole mythology of Japan's traditional culture fascinating, and those 'sacred places' are ones which I would love the opportunity to experience firsthand.
Yeah Japan's culture is pretty interesting, especially the "religious" one.
My mother follows Nichiren Buddhism and it's not really a religion, it's like a philosophy of life somehow. You don't pray to a god and submit to them for the entire life and follow some rules to don't get in a terrible place named hell. Buddhism is completely different.

Nichiren Buddhism basically teaches you that everyone can be a Buddha and achieve the enlightenment in their current lifetime, without becoming a priest. Maybe it's the best kind of Buddhism that exists because it's more free-like and makes you find an happy way in your life.
I don't follow it because it's not my way of life, but I still highly respect it. You should check it out.
And finally, the language itself. Japanese is a language which I have a great interest in. The written script, the sound of the words and sentences. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is about the language that makes me like it so much, but I do, and I've loved studying it for the past year. Now I'd like the chance to put my knowledge to good use.
Oriental languages are hard to learn but interesting and satisfying to learn. I was learning Chinese time ago (dialects included) and it was very interesting. It was a basic course tho and I didn't learn much.
So, there you have it. It's a combination of these three factors, plus a couple of smaller things, that came together to persuade me that Japan was the country for me. And I assure you, it was a tough decision to make, but I have made it now, and I'm happy with my choice.
That's what mostly matters for you. That you're happy about a choice and you're sure it's good for you.
Posted 10-21-2017 at 11:55 AM by Phoetux


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