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Blogs From Mudos #1 - Saul's Soulstorm Sorrows

Posted 09-25-2017 at 08:16 AM by TheManFromMudos
Updated 09-25-2017 at 08:18 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello, everybody! It's me, TheManFromMudos! Bet you all thought I was gone, didn't you? Bet you all thought I was dead, or in prison, or waxing floors at Rupture Farms? Well, you were wrong! Because here I am, once again. And with the latest news about 'Oddworld: Soulstorm' from last week's EGX presentation by the man himself, Lorne Lanning, it looks as though I've got plenty to talk about.

But first, let's just get a couple of things out of the way. First of all, no, I haven't been ill or anything like that recently. The only reason I haven't blogged for so long is that I simply haven't had anything worth blogging about. Secondly, since it has been a considerable while since the last 'Big Blog Friday' was posted, I decided to simply start a new blogging series, which you are reading now.

So, let's get into it, shall we? Here's the first of what will hopefully be many 'Blogs From Mudos' to come. And of course, the hot topic at the moment is 'Oddworld: Soulstorm'. You've all seen the EGX presentation by now. Maybe you watched it on Youtube, maybe you livestreamed it on Twitch. Or perhaps you were actually there in the audience, ready to soak up the dissappointment first hand.

But was there really anything to be dissappointed by? The artwork was phenomenal, the teaser trailer was chilling. And what about that adorable little scamp, Toby? Not to mention the array of other new or redesigned characters. This game seems amazing, a credit to the franchise. And then... the new mechanics. A follower management system? 'Ammo', 'Chi' and 'Moolah'? What is this, The Hand of Odd?

Yes, what's really driven people crazy about Lanning's EGX presentation is the changes that they've made to the gameplay. We all knew right from the start that this game was going to retell Exoddus completely. We all expected new areas, new characters, and new plot twists. What we didn't expect was to be burduned with 301 'Free Mudokons' as soon as we started the game. After all, they're supposed to be... well, free.

The fact of the matter is that Oddworld Inhabitants said from the very start that they wanted to 'completely re-imagine' Abe's Exoddus with Soulstorm, looking at the game from an entirely new perspective. And they have done. The only problem is, from what we've seen so far, they've done too much re-imagining. It's more re-imagined than we'd imagined. And so far, we've only seen the new UI. How much more can they have changed?

There's only one thing that I can say with some certainty after seeing Lanning's presentation: I'm uncertain. The game looks brilliant, they've really taken it to the next level with the diversity of these characters. And the backstory is thrice as dark as it ever was before. But while I like the idea of what at first glance seems to be an Oddworld-based strategy game, I don't think that 'Soulstorm' should be the one to introduce it.

That being said, I think we can all agree that further judgement should be withheld for the time being. Knowing OI, they'll still pull this out of the bag, and it'll turn out to be a corker of a game. All we can do is wait and see...

Or, of course, we could all share our own thoughts on the new direction that 'Soulstorm' appears to be taking. So, tell me: Do you like the new concepts and features that Lorne and the gang are bringing to 'Soulstorm'? Do you hate them? Or are you, like myself, still on the fence about the whole thing? Let me know your opinions, and I'll be back again soon for another 'Blog From Mudos'. Goodbye for now!

(By the way, 'Saul' is my first name, hence the title of this particular blog!)
Total Comments 23


CravenKnight's Avatar
Man they haven't even shown any gameplay yet, what the fuck is there to be disappointed about?

Personally I'm looking forward to how things are looking. They said they would reimagine it, they even took onboard all the shit us fans said about wanting it 'darker' etc etc, why do some of you shits still insist on fucking complaining? The OWI fanbase really is fucking dumb in that regard. I feel sorry for Lorne and everyone working on it because of that. Yes, I actually feel sorry for someone richer and more successful than myself because of you moaning shits, complaining about how it isn't tailor made to your exact dream-like specifications. You're so hard to please and you forget that in instances like this it's impossible to please everyone. Your unpleaseability gives me a hard fucking erection. Some of you might be disappointed with the finished product, some of you might not, that's life. Woo.

Yes, what's really driven people crazy about Lanning's EGX presentation is the changes that they've made to the gameplay.
The fact of the matter is that Oddworld Inhabitants said from the very start that they wanted to 'completely re-imagine' Abe's Exoddus with Soulstorm, looking at the game from an entirely new perspective. And they have done. The only problem is, from what we've seen so far, they've done too much re-imagining. It's more re-imagined than we'd imagined.
Sorry, but like isn't that the point of change? Do you want to put a limit on how much 'reimagining' they do? Should we elect an overseer to criticize every fucking thing they make, do and say in an effort to keep this dangerous reimagination down to a minimum? Honestly it makes me laugh how OWI say "we're going to reimagine this shit" and then the fans see a snippet of the game which doesn't even contain any gameplay and immediately start yelling NO TOO MUCH REIMAGINATION. You guys remind me of my mother. Never satisfied.

You say we expected a complete retelling of Exoddus, so how does that quantify as expecting certain changes but not others? How the fuck is that even possible? They're still telling the same story, just differently, LIKE THEY SAID THEY WOULD. You either expect a completely new retelling of the story or the same shit as before. So bascially what's going on here is they're doing exactly what they said they would - while still pandering to their fans demands - and you're saying "we like change but now you're changing it TOO MUCH WAAA". Where's the line? How much change is too much you beautifully strange creature? I mean they haven't even finished designing the UI yet, I'm pretty sure it's still subject to change too. Chill out.

It's a new game, they said that was how it was going to go and yet some people are still whining about it. Go outside. Get fucking wasted and laid. Get high as a fucking kite. NONE OF THIS MATTERS ITS A FUCKING COMPUTER GAME AND IT LOOKS COOL

I'll tell you something. I bet Lorne was fucking stoned as fuck when he first started manifesting the Oddworld universe. Think about that, man. Sherry McKenna too. i bet they were friends with benefits and everything man. Yeeeah.

Anyway all I wanted to say was that I'm fucking sick of oddworld fans complaining all the fucking time and smoke weed, kids. Smoke weed everyday.

That being said, I think we can all agree that further judgement should be withheld for the time being. Knowing OI, they'll still pull this out of the bag, and it'll turn out to be a corker of a game. All we can do is wait and see...
There is no 'pulling out of the bag'. In my opinion they've already pulled it out of the bag with the direction they're obviously taking this game in. It looks fucking cool. Can't we just agree on that and not fucking nitpick it to death? It looks cool. Disappointment is unwarranted.
Posted 09-25-2017 at 10:40 AM by CravenKnight

Nepsotic's Avatar
I don't even understand what there is to nitpick. I'm the biggest complainer on the forums but none of your points are valid. You even say "knowing OI they'll still pull this out of the bag" but even that doesn't make any sense because they've made bad games before, but this game looks like it's going to be fucking good. So if you're just banking on the fact that it's OI so it has to be good, why are you even complaining about anything in the first place you samehead?
Posted 09-25-2017 at 03:19 PM by Nepsotic

TheManFromMudos's Avatar
Well, this is the first blog I've posted in three months, and as usual it's been met with straight up criticism. And people wonder why the Oddworld fanbase is considered 'toxic'... If you need me, I'll be back in another three months, then you might have cheered up a bit. Bye-bye!
Posted 09-25-2017 at 09:23 PM by TheManFromMudos

Nepsotic's Avatar
Posted 09-26-2017 at 02:17 AM by Nepsotic

Nepsotic's Avatar
Well, this is the first blog I've posted in three months, and as usual it's been met with straight up criticism.
This truly is the crime of our generation! OH GOD! HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO EVIL, surely your long-winded and barely readable blog post was doing nothing but nitpicking a game you have barely seen any footage of, but to criticize you? That
was just cruel of me. Clearly this is why they're toxic, and not because you're a bunch of fucking spanners that freak out when you don't like trailer music.

I'll be back in another three months
Posted 09-26-2017 at 02:24 AM by Nepsotic
Updated 09-26-2017 at 02:28 AM by Nepsotic

Oddey's Avatar
Well, this is the first blog I've posted in three months, and as usual it's been met with straight up criticism. And people wonder why the Oddworld fanbase is considered 'toxic'... If you need me, I'll be back in another three months, then you might have cheered up a bit. Bye-bye!
The hilarious irony.
Posted 09-26-2017 at 05:16 AM by Oddey

Varrok's Avatar
Hey, I've seen the presentation, the new art is cool!

Oh, you're leaving already? :/
Posted 09-26-2017 at 05:45 AM by Varrok

CravenKnight's Avatar
Well, this is the first blog I've posted in three months, and as usual it's been met with straight up criticism. And people wonder why the Oddworld fanbase is considered 'toxic'... If you need me, I'll be back in another three months, then you might have cheered up a bit. Bye-bye!
So far the only in-game mechanic we've seen is the UI. That's it. And even that's not finished yet. Sooooo......yeah. Unless you really feel that strongly about the UI, I don't really see where you were going with this. Other than saying UR REIMAGINING IT WRONG
Posted 09-26-2017 at 05:58 AM by CravenKnight

Phoetux's Avatar
Mudos in this blog was like:
"Heya bois im back after months ANNNND im disappearing for months again bye"

Posted 09-26-2017 at 10:03 AM by Phoetux

Vanilla ✜'s Avatar
Thanks for driving off another member guys, really helping the community rep.
Posted 09-26-2017 at 10:07 AM by Vanilla ✜

TheManFromMudos's Avatar
Oh, don't worry, guys. I'll be back. When the time is right, I'll be back...
Posted 09-26-2017 at 11:41 AM by TheManFromMudos

Phoetux's Avatar
Just decide already Mudos, there's never the right time. You decide that.
Posted 09-26-2017 at 01:15 PM by Phoetux

Lord Vhazen's Avatar
Wow you guys actually are assholes, you know - especially you, Craven. Fuck off, dude. And shame on you Nep for adding to the pile. You guys really do love bullying. I mean jesus, "oh he's reacting to something, let's call him weak and thin skinned for having feelings".
Posted 09-26-2017 at 01:19 PM by Lord Vhazen

Lord Vhazen's Avatar
This kind of bullshit really is why we're not seeing too many new faces. The "oh they're just coming in because of the ARG, they're not real users, they'll be gone after a few blog posts so lets just tell them to fuck off because they're probably a multi anyway" is extremely destructive and abusive. Calling someone weak for reacting - pretty lightly at that might I add - to someone's obnoxious antagonism isn't helping either.
Posted 09-26-2017 at 01:31 PM by Lord Vhazen

Nepsotic's Avatar
I do love bullying! It's my favourite pastime!
Posted 09-26-2017 at 03:29 PM by Nepsotic

Nate's Avatar
Wait... which part of CravenKnight's post was the bullying bit?
Posted 09-26-2017 at 05:48 PM by Nate

Varrok's Avatar
I don't think there was any sort of bullying but Craven did react in a hostile way towards someone who certainly didn't deserve that reaction.

You guys remind me of my mother. Never satisfied.
Why? Did she ask you not to be a dick to people for no reason?
Posted 09-27-2017 at 01:19 AM by Varrok

Nate's Avatar
You mean he used hyperbole when expressing disagreement on the internet? SHOCKING!
Posted 09-27-2017 at 08:34 AM by Nate

Varrok's Avatar
Shocking? No. Neither mature or constructive. Also, it does make you seem stupid to others when you say to others that they should "chill out" while acting like you're most in the need of that.
Posted 09-27-2017 at 09:30 AM by Varrok

Nepsotic's Avatar
You mean he used hyperbole when expressing disagreement on the internet? SHOCKING!
Nate, bullying like this is unacceptable.

Shocking? No. Neither mature or constructive.
Actually his points were pretty constructive. Mature? Who cares, it makes for a vastly more entertaining post in pretty much every case.
Posted 09-27-2017 at 02:15 PM by Nepsotic

Varrok's Avatar
I don't think you know what "constructive" means. The only thing in his post that was remotely close to being constructive was he saying about the limits of reimagining, but even that has lost its purpose because of the tone he chose.

The rest was complaining that a guy who stated that he isn't disappointed by the game is somehow disappointed by the game.
Posted 09-27-2017 at 09:40 PM by Varrok

Nepsotic's Avatar
His post was more constructive than anything you've written in this blog forum so far.
Posted 09-27-2017 at 10:56 PM by Nepsotic

CravenKnight's Avatar
Wow you guys actually are assholes, you know - especially you, Craven. Fuck off, dude. And shame on you Nep for adding to the pile. You guys really do love bullying. I mean jesus, "oh he's reacting to something, let's call him weak and thin skinned for having feelings".

This kind of bullshit really is why we're not seeing too many new faces. The "oh they're just coming in because of the ARG, they're not real users, they'll be gone after a few blog posts so lets just tell them to fuck off because they're probably a multi anyway" is extremely destructive and abusive. Calling someone weak for reacting - pretty lightly at that might I add - to someone's obnoxious antagonism isn't helping either.
i'm not bullying, i fucking hate bullies. honestly. i swear to christ my post was meant to be sarcastic while trying to be funny to make it less boring. i wasn't trying to be a cunt.i didn't intend to scare him off but to be fair he did just kind of give up straight away and blamed our 'toxic' community. i also hate having to fucking explain myself in this longwinded tedious shit we're doing right now for a post i meant to be a sarcastic jab at our lovely Mudos, nothing fucking more. also, i really dont fucking care any more anyway so please shut the fuck up. depends how you look at it i guess. i was looking at it as some form of alleviation from the boredom, you were obviously looking at it as a horrific attack on some cherub-like member. fuck off, please.

I don't think there was any sort of bullying but Craven did react in a hostile way towards someone who certainly didn't deserve that reaction.
see above.

Why? Did she ask you not to be a dick to people for no reason?
i keep telling you. you're not funny. that's something my 15 year old cousin would come back with. you used to be funny but not anymore. that's actually part of the reason why you piss me off so much these days, sad as that is.

Shocking? No. Neither mature or constructive. Also, it does make you seem stupid to others when you say to others that they should "chill out" while acting like you're most in the need of that.
god you've got a lot to say on this dumb shit. i make one post and suddenly one guy leaves then comes back to tell us he'll be back and then leaves again (lol) and half the users who can be arsed to log in here anymore start stabbing me to death. i was trying to alleviate the boredom and i get MURDERED for my trouble. god you must be fucking bored. CHILL OUT MAN.

I don't think you know what "constructive" means. The only thing in his post that was remotely close to being constructive was he saying about the limits of reimagining, but even that has lost its purpose because of the tone he chose.

The rest was complaining that a guy who stated that he isn't disappointed by the game is somehow disappointed by the game.
okay varrok you boring fucking cunt. next time i'll just make a bulletpoint list of why i disagree with someone and DON'T WORRY i'll make sure it's completely sterile and dead in character. that'll be fun. yeah. let's all do that from now on.
Posted 09-29-2017 at 06:16 PM by CravenKnight
Updated 09-29-2017 at 06:21 PM by CravenKnight


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