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Where's The Updates?

Posted 07-28-2017 at 07:55 PM by JayDee
First of all, I'd like to preface this by being completely transparent about the situations that have affected these projects. So...

Many of you who may have known me or frequented the forums for a while may know that I have a tendency to delay projects (almost indefinitely) after announcing them so I figured I'd give some transparency on the multiple projects I'm currently working on for the Oddworld Forums: Oddworld Forums Cards Against Humanity, Odd Quest, and my biggest priority Facility 925. Basically, these projects take time. something I've found myself at a lack of recently.

Hopefully this blog will be as much as an explaination of what's to come as it will be to why it hasn't been done sooner. Recently (within the past two months) I've found myself at a new job which has drastically cut down on my ability to work on the variety of projects that I've had running on the forums. Even if I've had the time to work on these projects, due to the unsociable hours at which I work I haven't had the energy to be able to commit time to work on them. However this doesn't mean that I haven't been working on them entirely. Within a month of starting at my new job I was offered a management position, which is great! More money, and consequently: More hours. I wasn't expecting this advancement so soon, so suffice to say my personal calender has been unexpectedly hectic as of late. On top of all this I've gone through two keyboards in the past two weeks due to a number of technical issues (my first one had lasted since I got my computer in 2013) and as such I'm having to type this out on a tablet and am also unable to currently work on my various projects - unless you expect me to code an entire game using the On-screen keyboard which is tantamount to torture.

Irregardless of this I have been working on my personal projects in what free time I have had to spare (Mostly Facility 925) and I can assure you that I'm definitely looking for a release date for the demo prior to the upcoming EGX Con in September. I can only apologise to any of you who may have been expecting a demo or updates on my variety of projects sooner, however I am also holding a small contest over on the Facility 925 page in order to have your own personal OC featured within the game, based on how well you're able to pitch them and whether or not they're actually interesting.

Apologies once again to not letting you guys know sooner, but life tends to come at you faster than you expect it, so I'll be getting everything done as soon as I'm able.
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