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Big Blog Fridays #11 - The Sound of Music

Posted 04-07-2017 at 12:10 PM by TheManFromMudos
Hello everybody, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and today I'm back with another installment of 'Big Blog Fridays'. Now, as discussed in last week's blog, from now on, things are going to change a little. First of all, as you may have noticed, the blogs are getting bigger. And second, we'll now be focusing slightly less on Oddworld-related topics, in favour of more 'real-life' discussion. Rest assured, we'll be back to Oddworld next week, but for today, I'd like to talk about something closer to reality. Something which has surely affected us all in some way at some point in our lives. That's right, it's musical instruments.

The reason I thought it'd be a good idea to discuss musical instruments is that I recently got a new violin. I haven't played the violin for a long time, as I first started it in primary school. But I'm going to be honest with you here. I thought that, even after several long years, I'd have retained at least some of my ability with the instrument. That was until I picked it up and realised that I couldn't play a thing. Nothing. I couldn't even remember how to hold it properly. Thankfully, a few days down the line, I've begun to get the hang of it once again. And what's more, I've remembered how much I enjoyed playing it all those years ago.

The thing about musical instruments is that people play them because they enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it, what's the point? You could be the world's best tuba player, but if you don't like playing the tuba, why bother? Alternatively, you could play the cello like a dying cat, but if you truly enjoy it, you'll stick with it anyway. But I think that this fact is somewhat lost in today's education system. I don't know how it is in the wider world, but here in the UK, we were handed recorders at the age of 6, and forced to play them until we were 12. Now, call me crazy, but I just don't think that's what musical instruments are supposed to be about. If you want to play an instrument, play it. If you don't, nobody's going to hate you for it, are they?

I suppose that what I'm really trying to say here is that playing a musical instrument should be a way to express yourself. And personally, I don't think that thirty kids being forced to learn 'Hot Cross Buns' on the recorder is the right way to show them that. Anyway, I've come to the end of my rant now, which just leaves my big question for you today. Which is this: Do you play a musical instrument? If you don't, which instrument would you most like to be able to play? And if you do, what is it about your instrument that makes you enjoy playing it so much? Let me know your thoughts, and I will see you next Friday for another Big Blog.
Total Comments 7


Phoetux's Avatar
I'm learning to play the Guitar, but I need a new one to do it better. Also there's an instrument that I always wanted to play, and that's the Piano. But I never did because I never had the opportunity to do it.
I have a keyboard but it's shitty, not professional. And I make digital covers when I'm bored but it's not the same thing.
If I could, I would learn to play the piano unhesitatingly. It's an instrument that I admire a lot.
Posted 04-08-2017 at 04:38 AM by Phoetux

Gunnr's Avatar
I too own a keyboard but misplace its charger last year and never bothered to get a new one. I also own an acoustic guitar but hardly have the time to play it for some time, maybe i should dig it out...probably needs a tuning. Always wanted to try the violin or viola
Posted 04-08-2017 at 07:27 AM by Gunnr

Nepsotic's Avatar
I have a keyboard but it's mainly for sound design, I should probably learn to play it at some point, that'd be pretty cool.
Posted 04-08-2017 at 02:44 PM by Nepsotic

Manco's Avatar
I don’t play any instrument. I own a guitar and a ukulele – the former I bought and didn’t stick to learning, the latter was gifted to me to ease into learning the guitar again. Finding the time and energy to pick either up and practice is difficult.
Posted 04-09-2017 at 12:52 AM by Manco

Xorlidyr's Avatar
I am playing the piano for 14 years and the flute for 8 years. Also guitar, but I dislike that instrument (I was forced to learn it when I wanted to learn violin instead).

Playing the piano puts me into a flow. Even though I do not like listening to it.
Posted 04-09-2017 at 12:55 AM by Xorlidyr

kjjcarpenter's Avatar
I used to be quite adept at piano. I haven't played properly for many years, not since leaving high school, as I never had access to anything other than a shoddy keyboard.

Crystal surprised me recently and bought a piano that was selling off from a friend's antique store. It was a beautiful thing, made of polished wood, which felt right at home in our library. Alas, when I started playing it, I noticed many of the chords were horribly out of tune, and at least three of the keys were broken. It was going to cost several times more than the piano was worth to have it repaired, so we got rid of it. Even with the all-too-frequent discordant note, and the many mental mishaps, it was still very ethereal to sit down and let my fingers bleed again after such a long time.

We're probably going to buy a digital piano at some point, not so much for me, but so we have it for when the kid(s) eventually arrive. I just have too much going on with our business and my writing to dedicate the time.

I have a keyboard but it's mainly for sound design.
Interesting. How does that work?
Posted 04-09-2017 at 07:39 AM by kjjcarpenter

Nepsotic's Avatar
I just play simple stuff on it when I'm tweaking the synth so I can hear what I'm doing.
Posted 04-09-2017 at 05:09 PM by Nepsotic


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