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My First Blog

Posted 03-28-2017 at 07:47 PM by Acclivius
Woah, this is my first blog here! I guess these are like journals on deviantArt, eh? Well, either way, I'll probably have a ton of fun with this.

In case you haven't met me yet, I'm Acclivius, but you can call me Rebby or Ratty if you'd like. I'm 24 years old and I've liked Oddworld for quite a while. The first game I played was Munch's Oddysee(well actually the demo on an XBox disk, but I did play the full game a bit later) and funnily enough, it used to scare me, mostly because of the Vykkers. I would have nightmares about those guys hunting me down to try and disect me. But alas my mind is strange, and fear gave in to interest with enough time. Now they're my favorite species in Oddworld, and I find them more so humorous than nightmarish. I still won't condone what they did to those poor fuzzles though.

If ever you wish to find me elsewhere, I have a deviantArt with the same username as here, Acclivius. I am also part of the forum's Discord server, which is actually how I found this site!
Total Comments 7


kjjcarpenter's Avatar
Congratulations on your first blog, Rebecca!
Posted 03-28-2017 at 07:56 PM by kjjcarpenter

Acclivius's Avatar
Why thank you, @kjjcarpenter!
Posted 03-28-2017 at 08:05 PM by Acclivius

kjjcarpenter's Avatar
You can call me Kevin for the sake of convenience. It seems to be catching on.
Posted 03-28-2017 at 08:09 PM by kjjcarpenter

Lord Vhazen's Avatar
Fear can be the greatest of challenges, but for the willing, there is nothing more satisfying than overcoming them. I surround myself with da spooki all the time.
Posted 03-28-2017 at 09:49 PM by Lord Vhazen

RoryF's Avatar
call him Kev. he loves being called Kev

also congrats on the blog it is a gem i smashed that bookmark button immediately
Posted 03-29-2017 at 09:42 AM by RoryF

Phoetux's Avatar
Fear doesn't exist. We create it, if we deeply want it or not.
Also remember to make a blog saying how much dead/alive the forums are. It's a tradition now.
Posted 03-29-2017 at 10:33 AM by Phoetux

Gunnr's Avatar
Congrats on your first blog
Posted 03-30-2017 at 04:51 PM by Gunnr


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