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Who is this Owen Timbers???

Posted 03-19-2017 at 07:35 AM by AvengingGibbons
Just noticed OddworldInhabitants twitter posted my new n tasty glukkon butcher doodle that I sketched a couple years ago, but they've credited some guy called Owen Timbers... who the hell is Owen Timbers and why is he taking credit for my shitty doodles?!
Total Comments 29


Varrok's Avatar
Posted 03-19-2017 at 07:49 AM by Varrok

AvengingGibbons's Avatar
Yeah that was my initial thought Varrok. But now it's making me wonder... Are they finding random images on google image search then making up people's names and saying 'Look who just sent us this fan art' as if to make it seem like there's a large and more lively fanbase than in reality? And hoping nobody realises?
Posted 03-19-2017 at 08:08 AM by AvengingGibbons

kjjcarpenter's Avatar
You should speak to Vlam, AvengingGibbons!
Posted 03-19-2017 at 08:09 AM by kjjcarpenter

AvengingGibbons's Avatar
Is vlam having his artwork stolen too?
Posted 03-19-2017 at 08:11 AM by AvengingGibbons

kjjcarpenter's Avatar
No, but he has a lot of theories regarding OWI. He'd get a kick out of your accusation.

Have you contacted OWI?
Posted 03-19-2017 at 08:12 AM by kjjcarpenter

AvengingGibbons's Avatar
I replied to their tweet to point it out. I'm just very curious to find out who this Owen Timbers is. And his home address
Posted 03-19-2017 at 08:15 AM by AvengingGibbons

Varrok's Avatar
Posted 03-19-2017 at 08:30 AM by Varrok

AvengingGibbons's Avatar

'Darren Miller's' tattoo? Or skin painting on Lorne's freshly shaven leg? Indie developers save what they can. They do their concept art on each others bodies and take photos, to save paper. Isn't Lorne one of them tree-huggers?... It's all coming to light isn't it.

Munch Remake confirmed
Posted 03-19-2017 at 08:37 AM by AvengingGibbons

Gunnr's Avatar
Holy crap that sucks, man sry you got your set stolen that's harsh!
(and from a panda too, -_-nice varrok)

Really tho, that sucks at least you tweeted owi bout it
Posted 03-19-2017 at 10:08 AM by Gunnr

Nepsotic's Avatar
Doubt it's stolen, seems to just be bad research on OWI's part.
Posted 03-19-2017 at 04:49 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 03-19-2017 at 05:07 PM by Nepsotic

kjjcarpenter's Avatar
Posted 03-19-2017 at 05:04 PM by kjjcarpenter

Nepsotic's Avatar
owen timbers is at it again
Posted 03-19-2017 at 05:07 PM by Nepsotic

Xavier's Avatar
Yes but can you prove that it was yours?
Posted 03-20-2017 at 03:47 AM by Xavier

Vlam's Avatar
Posted 03-20-2017 at 05:22 AM by Vlam

Varrok's Avatar
I can also back this up, I remember when he posted it.

The hat still looks like a butt.
Posted 03-20-2017 at 06:10 AM by Varrok

AvengingGibbons's Avatar
Varrok, i thought it was his head that looked like a throbbing penis?
Posted 03-20-2017 at 06:40 AM by AvengingGibbons

Xavier's Avatar
Ok fair enough
Posted 03-20-2017 at 06:41 AM by Xavier

Crashpunk's Avatar
Just to be clear.

I'm not Owen Timbers.

Or I'm I...?
Posted 03-20-2017 at 07:34 AM by Crashpunk

AvengingGibbons's Avatar
I think you might be
Posted 03-20-2017 at 07:47 AM by AvengingGibbons
Updated 03-20-2017 at 07:50 AM by AvengingGibbons

Varrok's Avatar
Varrok, i thought it was his head that looked like a throbbing penis?
As I look at it now, I find it weird how OWI have put such +18 picture on their page.
Posted 03-20-2017 at 09:06 AM by Varrok

OWI_Bernice's Avatar
The image was sent to us a few days ago. I didn't know it was actually yours AvengingGibbons, I'm sorry about that
Posted 03-20-2017 at 09:58 AM by OWI_Bernice

Nepsotic's Avatar
But who is Owen Timbers?
Posted 03-20-2017 at 11:06 AM by Nepsotic

AvengingGibbons's Avatar
it's not a problem Bernice love. Just send us a free copy of The art of Oddworld and I'll call off my lawyers ^^
Posted 03-20-2017 at 11:45 AM by AvengingGibbons

AvengingGibbons's Avatar
Though as nepsotic reminds us, the pressing unresolved matter surrounds the identity of Owen Timbers
Posted 03-20-2017 at 11:48 AM by AvengingGibbons

kjjcarpenter's Avatar
The identity of Owen Timbers? Now that would blow our minds.
Posted 03-20-2017 at 11:56 AM by kjjcarpenter

Shrykull43's Avatar
OWI was scared, cause profits were grim
Fan art and doodles had been turning up thin,
but Owen had a plan....
Posted 03-20-2017 at 03:30 PM by Shrykull43

Nepsotic's Avatar
You guys just took something funny and made it not funny
Posted 03-20-2017 at 09:09 PM by Nepsotic

kjjcarpenter's Avatar
It was a little funny.
Posted 03-20-2017 at 10:19 PM by kjjcarpenter

Varrok's Avatar
it's not a problem Bernice love. Just send us a free copy of The art of Oddworld and I'll call off my lawyers ^^
Don't be afraid of his lawyers, OWI_Bernice. They're literally gibbons!

Oh, and by the way, why didn't you guys post JayDee's Trash Elum?
Posted 03-21-2017 at 12:48 AM by Varrok


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