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Big Blog Fridays #7 - Better Late Than Never

Posted 03-12-2017 at 06:02 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello all, it's me, TheManFromMudos, and I'm here today with another Big Blog Fri... oh. It would appear to be Sunday. You see, the thing is, my internet went down over the weekend, and unfortunately I wasn't able to post at my usual time. But, just because I've missed the deadline, doesn't mean I've given up on this week's installment. And, seeing as though I'm late this week, I thought it would be appropriate if we went away from the usual Oddworld topics, and today talked all about being late.

We've all done it before, at least, most of us have. 'Being late' is a broad spectrum, after all. Missing your bus is 'being late'. Not finishing an assignment before the due date is 'being late'. Getting out of bed at one in the afternoon and arriving at work twelve minutes and thirty-two seconds before you're supposed to finish is 'being late'. You know the score, and you've probably done it before, whether it be a few seconds or a few days! And I can't blame you for it, because here I am, posting the latest 'Big Blog Friday' on a Sunday.

So, my question for you today is this: What's the latest you've ever been, for anything? What was the worst missed deadline you've ever faced? What was the latest time you ever got to work, or school, after your sheduled start time? What was the longest time you've ever waited for the next train because you missed the one before it? Let me know your answers, and I will see you next week. And don't worry: this time, it'll be on Friday!
Total Comments 7


Manco's Avatar
I was late to reply to this post.
Posted 03-12-2017 at 12:24 PM by Manco

TheManFromMudos's Avatar
I see what you did there, Manco...
Posted 03-12-2017 at 01:07 PM by TheManFromMudos

Varrok's Avatar
I was late to reply to this post.
Could be worse.

I never replied to that post.
Posted 03-12-2017 at 01:20 PM by Varrok

STM's Avatar
I've currently got a writing commission for a fiction piece that's about seven months late.
Posted 03-12-2017 at 02:35 PM by STM

Oddey's Avatar
I once got a series of emails from the ministry of defense, asking for my information so they could see if I was fit for service, so late that by the time I saw them, I was already a few months past the final date for it. They didn't mind though.
Posted 03-13-2017 at 07:49 AM by Oddey

Gunnr's Avatar
Well I've been late before...just like I was late to use the joke Manco just used
My luck proceeds me :/
Posted 03-13-2017 at 11:58 PM by Gunnr
Updated 03-14-2017 at 11:32 PM by Gunnr

kjjcarpenter's Avatar
Rest in Peace Big Blog Fridays ...
Posted 03-14-2017 at 12:26 PM by kjjcarpenter


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