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Big Blog Fridays #5 - Shocking Similarities

Posted 02-24-2017 at 12:56 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hi everyone, it's TheManFromMudos here, and it's time for another Big Blog Friday. Now, as I'm sure you're all aware, Oddworld Inhabitants are not one to shy away from controversial topics. Consumerism, slavery, animal testing. Throughout the Oddworld series, the crazy planet of Oddworld frequently draws parallels with the real world. However, today I want to talk about something diferrent. I want to talk about the parallels that Oddworld draws with other science fiction franchises.

Now, we all know that references in video games are everywhere, right? One moment you're playing Minecraft, then all of a sudden you bake a cake and find a nifty little Portal reference! Okay, that was a pretty basic example, but the point is, references are everywhere. Sci-fi is always influenced by the franchises that come before it. Take the Paramites, for example. Aside from their fat little bodies, short, stumpy legs and web-spinning capabilities, isn't anyone else reminded of a Facehugger from the 'Alien' universe by that face? Or to reverse the situation, let's take a look at the Ood from Doctor Who. Kind of reminds me of a certain species of gun-touting, tentacle-faced, motorised-underwear-sporting security guards, wouldn't you agree?

The whole idea behind today's Big Blog is essentially that video games, TV shows and films are all infamous for referencing one another. So my big question for you today is this: What references can you find to other franchises within the Oddworld universe? Or, conversely, what references can you find to the Oddworld universe in other franchises? Video games are a minefield of easter eggs, after all, so let me know your thoughts below.
Total Comments 7


Varrok's Avatar
In New N Tasty there were references to other indie games.
Posted 02-24-2017 at 01:04 AM by Varrok

Vlam's Avatar
Let's not forget the SoBe vending machines in the US version of MO.
Posted 02-24-2017 at 01:53 AM by Vlam

Lord Vhazen's Avatar
Though I wouldn't mind a clever joke, I honestly hope Oddworld doesn't try to be "the kool kid" with unnecessary cultural references in their future games. The thing New N Tasty did was already pretty badly received.

As for other people referencing Oddworld....I honestly don't think I've seen such a thing ever happen in any movie, show or other video game probably because Abe's never had the spotlight for very long, not in the same ranks as games like Halo or everyone's precious Call of Dooties. But there is...ONE thing I know of that actually gives them a shout-out.

A song, by one of my favorite artists.

Posted 02-24-2017 at 04:19 AM by Lord Vhazen
Updated 02-24-2017 at 04:22 AM by Lord Vhazen

Manco's Avatar
Oddworld from what I’ve seen doesn’t tend to put a lot of obvious references in their games, but they did draw from the same stock sound effects that numerous other movies and games have done so it always catches me out for a second when I hear a clip somewhere unexpected. I’m sure in Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in one of the swamp scenes you can hear the shrill animal/bug cry from the AO title screens.

Also relevant: apparently in their original studio OWI used to have their answering machine play the X-Files music.
Posted 02-24-2017 at 07:10 AM by Manco

kjjcarpenter's Avatar
I'd say the octigi were more akin to the face-huggers.

The flow of the narrative, particularly Abe's Oddysee, borrows more than a few pages from Joseph Campbell. Lorne has also confirmed Campbell was a major influence.

The Chipotle "Scarecrow" commercial has a little nod to Abe's Oddysee, when Abe peers into the Board Room.
Posted 02-25-2017 at 01:40 AM by kjjcarpenter
Updated 02-25-2017 at 01:56 AM by kjjcarpenter

TheManFromMudos's Avatar
kjjcarpenter, I thought that seemed familiar! And that robot crow with the propeller on it's back reminds me of a flying Slig.
Posted 02-26-2017 at 05:44 AM by TheManFromMudos

UnderTheSun's Avatar
The relationship the cephalopod-like Glukkons and Sligs have with the humanoid Mudokons reminds me of the two described Martian races in The War of the Worlds.

The invaders are, more or less, brains with eyes and tentacles that can't rely on themselves to survive (reflected by the Sligs needing mechanized legs, and the Glukkons preferring to have Sligs and Mudokons do everything for them, rather than use their arms to complete tasks).

There is another species, however, that is much more humanoid, which the invaders keep as livestock to draw blood from, before they turn to humans as a source of blood/sustenance. This second race is described as thin and feeble, much like the Mudokons' skinny frame.

However, in terms of story, the livestock Martians are more like the Scrabs and Paramites that the Glukkons were finding in short supply; humans are the real Mudokon analog, since, much as Molluck made the fatal mistake of unveiling his "New n' Tasty" product, the invader Martians' use of (disease-carrying) human blood is what ultimately did them in.

Also, this is probably just a coincidence, but the obscure game Sacrifice (which, much like how one could choose to play Hand of Odd, is an RTS with view locked in third person around a player character) has a character similar to Stranger.

Jadugarr is the last of the centaurs in the world of Sacrifice, much like how Stranger is the last of the centauroid Steef race.

The similarities don't end there; Stranger spends the second half of his game seeking to kill Sekto to avenge his fellow Steef (or to save his own skin, but that's debatable). Much like this, the anti-villain Jadugarr seeks to avenge the centaurs by helping the demon Marduk bring down the gods, as he deems their "holy" conflicts responsible for the suffering of mortals, and, ultimately, the death of his kin.
Posted 03-01-2017 at 02:08 PM by UnderTheSun


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