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Big Blog Fridays #2 - Dubs Vs. Subs

Posted 02-03-2017 at 07:16 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hi, everyone, it's TheManFromMudos here, and today I want to talk a little bit about how video games are translated overseas. As you may be able to tell from the 'Ashbridge Industries' logo in my signature, I am currently learning Japanese (Don't even think about calling me a weeaboo, I've never watched an anime in my life). The real reason I am learning Japanese is because I hope to one day live and work in Japan as a game developer (because where better for a game developer to go than the home of Sony, Nintendo, and Sega, right?)

Anyway, I was recently watching a Japanese Youtuber playing the Japanese dub of Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (or Abe a Go Go, as it's known over there). Afterwards, I watched the same guy play Abe 99 (AKA Abe's Exoddus), but was a little upset to find that he hadn't played Munch's Oddysee or Stranger's Wrath. After a little digging, though, I found that he had played New 'n' Tasty. However, when I watched, I found that the game was not, in fact, dubbed into Japanese. The audio was all English, with Japanese subtitles. And it's the same for many other languages, and in many other games. French, German, Spanish: all subtitled, rather than dubbed.

So my question for you today is this: If you live in a non-English speaking country, or English isn't your first language, then what do you prefer? Do you like a game to be dubbed into your language, or are you happy with English audio and some translated subtitles?
Total Comments 7


Lord Vhazen's Avatar
For me it's kind of a budget thing... If I can tell something's powerful enough to afford an actually really good English dub I'm okay with it. But if they can't afford to cast the English guys good enough, I'd be happier listening to really good Japanese voice actors with English subtitles. I also like when something historical or otherwise centralized around a specific foreign land is more genuine with its actors.

Yakuza 0 is a PERFECT example of a GREAT voice acting crew given subtitles for English players and it doesn't deter from the experience at all.

Personally, one of my favorite hobbies/nerdy guilty pleasures is listening to foriegn translation versions of different songs I like - like Disney songs - and deciding which version I like best. More often than not, for example, the Russian, German or other languages sounded more interesting for the song.
Posted 02-03-2017 at 09:10 AM by Lord Vhazen

Varrok's Avatar
I prefer English.
Posted 02-03-2017 at 09:50 AM by Varrok

FrustratedAssassin's Avatar
I usually consume media in English with English subtitles cause my hearing is pretty bad and I tend to have to ask people to repeat themselves all the time.

If media is in English and I only have a choice between dubs and subs (in Romanian) I'll always choose subs. And I don't really watch media in other languages tbh. Sometimes anime maybe, in which case I'm not really sure what I'd choose.
Posted 02-04-2017 at 03:21 AM by FrustratedAssassin

Alf Shall Rise's Avatar

Posted 02-04-2017 at 04:27 AM by Alf Shall Rise

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Native language >
Posted 02-04-2017 at 10:02 AM by Mr. Bungle

Original English audio / local language subtitles (if only possible.)
Posted 02-04-2017 at 11:02 AM by kapteeni13

Connell's Avatar
I have Spanish friends that prefer English content. I remember going to see the last Harry Potter film with them and them saying Harry sounds stupid in the Spanish dub and they prefer the English one by miles
Posted 02-04-2017 at 03:49 PM by Connell


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