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I'm Lonely

Posted 12-13-2016 at 10:32 AM by Sybil Ant
I wish I hadn't cheated on my boyfriend[tiny]s[/tiny].

Also it's too cold for everyone to picket outside, so everyone is just stuck at home. :(
Total Comments 57


Xorlidyr's Avatar
You shall survive.
Posted 12-13-2016 at 10:43 AM by Xorlidyr

Vlam's Avatar
You deserve it.
Posted 12-13-2016 at 11:11 AM by Vlam

Nepsotic's Avatar
Less shrill voices on the street
Today is a good day
Posted 12-13-2016 at 11:42 AM by Nepsotic

[QUOTE]You deserve it.[/QUOTE]

Posted 12-13-2016 at 11:44 AM by Sybil Ant

RoryF's Avatar
vlam isn't salty

vlam is the salt

he makes my fries salty just the way i like em
Posted 12-13-2016 at 12:19 PM by RoryF

Varrok's Avatar
French fries
Posted 12-13-2016 at 12:21 PM by Varrok

RoryF's Avatar
fries that are french in nationality
Posted 12-13-2016 at 12:22 PM by RoryF

Vlam's Avatar
Yes, Oddman, indeed: the salt of the earth.
Posted 12-13-2016 at 01:15 PM by Vlam

Phoetux's Avatar
Vlam is right, you're getting what you deserve dude
Posted 12-13-2016 at 01:50 PM by Phoetux

FennecFyre's Avatar
If you're actually being serious about cheating, then for once I agree with Vlam.

If not, then lol feminazi jokes.
Posted 12-13-2016 at 03:17 PM by FennecFyre

Varrok's Avatar
Posted 12-14-2016 at 01:21 AM by Varrok

What can I say, I am terrible at risk-reward analysis.
Posted 12-14-2016 at 01:32 AM by Sybil Ant

Xorlidyr's Avatar
Hypnotise me to wear a mini-skirt.
Hypnotise me to wear high heels.
Hypnotise me to wear a lipstick.
But you can not hypnotise me not to cheat on my partner.
Posted 12-14-2016 at 01:58 AM by Xorlidyr

Seems like you're setting the bar as to what people can and can't hypnotise you to do at quite a weird level.
Posted 12-14-2016 at 03:11 AM by Sybil Ant

MA's Avatar
What can I say, I am terrible at risk-reward analysis.
wow i'm actually turned on by how offhanded you just hop on other dicks.

Posted 12-14-2016 at 06:36 AM by MA

Varrok's Avatar
True feminazis never had a boyfriend in the first place.
Posted 12-14-2016 at 06:43 AM by Varrok

Vlam's Avatar
Sybil, you don't know how to make a OWF blog.

People should feel bad for you (that's the whole point). You should have written that your boyfriend cheated on you.
Posted 12-14-2016 at 08:10 AM by Vlam

[QUOTE]wow i'm actually turned on by how offhanded you just hop on other dicks. [/QUOTE]

The one time half the forum has a legitimate excuse to scream cuck, and they don't even do it. At least you get how low key hot it is, MA.
Posted 12-14-2016 at 08:32 AM by Sybil Ant

Nepsotic's Avatar
cuck is just a funny word to use because of how over-saturated it is.
Posted 12-14-2016 at 01:58 PM by Nepsotic

Havoc's Avatar
Wow, you're a bitch. Let's fuck.
Posted 12-14-2016 at 02:19 PM by Havoc

[QUOTE]I wish I hadn't cheated on my boyfriend[tiny]s[/tiny].[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]Hypnotise me to wear a mini-skirt.
Hypnotise me to wear high heels.
Hypnotise me to wear a lipstick.
But you can not hypnotise me not to cheat on my partner.[/QUOTE]

Posted 12-14-2016 at 03:44 PM by Guillemot

Nepsotic's Avatar
nobody gives a shit about your gay wolves
Posted 12-14-2016 at 09:17 PM by Nepsotic

Um, I do.

Wow, you're a bitch. Let's fuck. [/QUOTE]

But there's so much disappointment in my life already. :(
Posted 12-14-2016 at 11:16 PM by Sybil Ant

Yeah girls [I]do[/I] bite back.

If he wasn't worth it Sybil then I agree, get out of the relationship.
Posted 12-15-2016 at 12:32 AM by LittleLamb

Nepsotic's Avatar
Havoc deserves to be put down by the crazy feminist, he's probably the only legitimately creepy neckbeard on the forum.
Posted 12-15-2016 at 01:50 AM by Nepsotic

Varrok's Avatar
I thought Havoc fucks tigers, not bitches.
Posted 12-15-2016 at 02:39 AM by Varrok

Oh great, furries?
Posted 12-15-2016 at 02:51 AM by LittleLamb

Havoc's Avatar
Havoc deserves to be put down by the crazy feminist, he's probably the only legitimately creepy neckbeard on the forum.
Man I should seriously get an Oscar for my time spent on this place. Also stop being so gullible.
Posted 12-15-2016 at 03:08 AM by Havoc

Xorlidyr's Avatar
This is a place where Varrok attacks someone and everyone catches on.
Posted 12-15-2016 at 03:45 AM by Xorlidyr

Varrok's Avatar
Oh, I'm so attacking Havoc right now. Hey, Havoc, do you feel seriously hurt by me already?
Posted 12-15-2016 at 03:49 AM by Varrok


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