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I've had enough of 6 effing AM
I've been up until at least 7AM for two days in a row. I know I'm no recordholder here, but I'm pissed because it's 100% happening again tonight.
On saturday, I was drinking, last night, I was reading comics. Tonight I'm drinking again.
My friend made home made khalua/irish coffee. It's 1AM now and we have a little under half the bottle done.
And I'm sitting here, coughing up this blog while my friend tries to get my attention and enjoy the quality music he's playing.
I'm not an alcoholic, but I'm the son of one, and I know I could get there. Abd I don't want to spend my middle age whinging with an assortment of other Anonymous Alcoholics.
I've completely lost motivation to complete the program I'm in. I'm too frustrated that in the ten years since I entered secondary school, all these brilliant strategies have been developed to make educating the unwilling easier. I whine, and lament, that my teachers were generally milquetoast and occasional bastards, and I languished, I just languished within this school system.
Fuck you, Catholic school system. Fuck you for loading up kids having a rough time with guilt and shame for things that never even occur to an adult.