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A Weird Feeling

Posted 03-26-2016 at 05:52 PM by Moot
In this blog post(s?) I'll be mentioning the previous forum/gaming community I was apart of. Out of respect for you guys and OWF I won't be mentioning its name, and refraining from directing to it in any sort of way, which means I'll be eluding some of the major details of what it was. I'll most likely talk some mad shit about it though, so that'll be fun!

TL;DR - Read it, shitlord.

It's very strange joining a new forum, specially considering how much of a change of pace this is for me. I only have one other experience with joining a forum/community, and that's the previous one I mentioned. Before that I had lurked on many different gaming-related forums, but I never felt comfortable with joining in the conversation, I always had my close friend Ben to do the talking and interacting for me. July 2012 was when Ben and I discovered the forum/gaming community I would go on to linger on for another 4 years-ish (I'm not going to do the math, fuck math).

I know that doesn't seem like a lot to most of you. A lot of the people I've seen on OWF's have been around since 2008, or much earlier, which is absolutely crazy, which was what lead me to writing this. Half a year ago I left the gaming community I had adored due to management issues, and further drama I wasn't alright putting up with anymore (I'd love to share some stories, but I don't want to go on a tangent in this blog, I'll try to stay focused!). I quit full turkey, with the full intent of never returning, which still stands - but I certainly felt a lacking being without it, mainly the forum interaction.

I hadn't heard of Soulstorms announcement immediately, it was actually Jim Sterling who brought it to my attention when he revealed he'd be voice acting for it. One thing lead to another, and I found myself on the OW forums, eyeing the ARG thread and scanning what you guys had already pieced together. This obviously lead me to making an account for more ARG nonsense, which inevitably lead to me lurking on past posts and ancient topics from 2006. This absolutely intrigued me, I've always loved looking at the history of communities, looking at what I missed. Who was around, who was respected, the arguments, the events.. It's just interesting!

Back in 2012 I felt lost when I had joined that community. It was massive, and I felt little compared to all of it, it took me ages to make friends and even longer to hop on the Teamspeak to talk to them. But that's kinda how I feel again, little and insignificant. Although OWF feels smaller, and less active, I am just as similarly intrigued. OWF gives me a sense of nostalgia, both from Oddworld and how it has made me feel as a forum. It's a weird feeling, but I like it.

I'm not entirely sure if this'll be entertaining to read, but it's nice writing how I feel. It was really difficult not to take pot-shots at my old community, but I really didn't want to go on a tangent (I usually tend too), so I may write another blog post about some stories, or why I left or something. It's nice to get it off my chest, yknow?
Total Comments 45


Shade667's Avatar
I cry errytime ;^;
Posted 03-26-2016 at 06:24 PM by Shade667

JayDee's Avatar
OWF was my first and pretty much only forum I've ever used for more than needing a profile to view attachments. I joined in 2008 with a terrible name, terrible web sense, and my first post was a triple post.

OWF has always given me a nostalgic feeling considering I pretty much started Game Design because of this forum and some of the Oddworld sprites that someone by the name of Arxyll(?) had uploaded. Those resources and my ability to have somewhere to put my creations is what fueled my drive for Games Design, and now thanks to OWF I'm able to create my own sprites and music and have a full length fan game coming out whenever it's finished.

Just roll with the punches and don't take any cynicism and sarcasm too literally.
Posted 03-26-2016 at 07:19 PM by JayDee

Slog Bait's Avatar
If I had joined the forum when I started lurking my account would have been made in 2004

Despite the amount of time I've been on/lurking this forum I'm still somewhat of an outlier and this place has never really been a significant part of my life somehow
Posted 03-26-2016 at 07:29 PM by Slog Bait

Moot's Avatar
@ J_dude Don't worry, some sarcasm and cynicism isn't going to drive me away. I was ddos'd, threatened, and rumored about on a number of occasions in my last community. And still none of that drove me away. You'd have to do quite a bit to irk me!

@ Slog I get that. There's always a good chance my attention won't be kept here, and I may vanish and come back like a lot of you seem to do, which is fine. Do you frequent any other forums or anything?
Posted 03-26-2016 at 08:38 PM by Moot

Slog Bait's Avatar
Nah I actually really dislike forums as a platform for communication

I just like Oddworld a whole bunch and am apparently willing to put up with quite a lot of bs just to get my occasional dose from time to time
Posted 03-26-2016 at 08:57 PM by Slog Bait

Nepsotic's Avatar
I joined back in, what, 2009? Back then I was known as ODDWORLDisTHEbest and I was a massive shithead. (Inb4 "not much has changed then")
This forum is a piece of shit but these people are my friends, even if all we do is argue (i love you nate <3). In fact both of my two best friends I met on here.

This place is more like a bunch of mates who meet up regularly at a pub and aren't really sure if they like each other or not but nevertheless there's a strong bond there. That's mainly why new members don't stay around. It's intimidating to walk up to a bunch of friends and ask to join them, even if they're talking about a game they love.

I think of all the new members recently you're probably the one I want to stick so hey, you have that. Since we have a lot of "interesting" history to look back on I think it's only fair you tell us some of your stories.
Posted 03-26-2016 at 09:28 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 03-26-2016 at 09:31 PM by Nepsotic

JayDee's Avatar
Nep's from near Manchester so I wouldn't be going to any pub with him unless I taped my wallet to my thigh.
Posted 03-26-2016 at 09:59 PM by JayDee

Nepsotic's Avatar
I'm from Manchester not Liverpool you sket
Posted 03-26-2016 at 10:00 PM by Nepsotic

Xorlidyr's Avatar
I joined in 2011 as gishygleb (Gishy).
At that time I had my puberty.
I was full of darkness, hatred, inconsiderate, narrow minded, an attention whore, could not stand critic and tried to troll everyone and everything. I was a poor person, but i managed to accept my demons and in turn it unlocked my light.

It makes me very sad, that half of the forum still has these traits and I had to add some on my Ignore List, but I love you all nevertheless.

The person whom I hated the most was MeechMunchie. Now I admire the way he posted and how he was on the forum.

We all tend to grow up. For some of us it takes twice to do so. Some never do. But we all have the potential.
Posted 03-26-2016 at 11:28 PM by Xorlidyr

Varrok's Avatar
I joined back in, what, 2009? Back then I was known as ODDWORLDisTHEbest and I was a massive shithead. (Inb4 "not much has changed then")
Not much has changed, then.

In this blog post(s?) I'll be mentioning the previous forum/gaming community I was apart of. Out of respect for you guys and OWF I won't be mentioning its name, and refraining from directing to it in any sort of way, which means I'll be eluding some of the major details of what it was. I'll most likely talk some mad shit about it though, so that'll be fun!
Oh come on, tell us. We won't just raid it.


Like we did with Sonic Forums one time, out of boredom. We changed, really! Except for Nepsotic!
Posted 03-26-2016 at 11:45 PM by Varrok

Vlam's Avatar
Moot, will you stay?
Posted 03-27-2016 at 01:38 AM by Vlam

Crashpunk's Avatar
No this was a great read Moot. I'm really glad you've joined, you seem like a great dude.

Yeah it's crazy to think I joined this forum 8 years ago.

I was 14 years old. Back then I was a right little shit. I didn't understand how forums worked; well I didn't know how the internet works period. I got like 3 infractions within a few years for spamming and was pretty much hated across the site.

A few years later I did a bit of growing up and tried my absolute best to sort my shit out. Because Oddworld means so much to me on a personal level, I really didn't want to be banned from this place.

I'm so glad I did sort my shit out because I've met some wonderful people from this place. Even meeting Wil, Jordan, Meech and STM in person, which was a surreal experience.

As much as it can be very hostile for newbies and just cancerous for Oddworld fans. This place is my home. And I think very recently, we've been improving a lot. And the increase of new members joining for Soulstorm makes me really happy.

This place isn't for everyone. And I understand that. Because I know how it feels back when I first joined.

All i'll say for the people who have had bad experiences here and are perhaps still lurking. People have got to understand that this is a very niche forum for a niche video game franchise. It's a very closely knitted community which has had the same people in it for years. The hostility, in-jokes and banter is all down to that.
Posted 03-27-2016 at 02:16 AM by Crashpunk
Updated 03-27-2016 at 02:19 AM by Crashpunk

Vlam's Avatar
Crashpunk, you do "fucking hate" someone.
Posted 03-27-2016 at 02:35 AM by Vlam

STM's Avatar
I think it's safe to say everyone here is happy to have you. You seem like a decent bloke, and we need more members that aren't cock sausages. <3
Posted 03-27-2016 at 03:44 AM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
I've met Wil, Alex, Slog and Vyrien, I win!
Posted 03-27-2016 at 04:17 AM by Nepsotic

Connell's Avatar
I joined 5 years ago in 2011, although it seems like much longer. I was aware of the forum for quite a while before that, having stumbled across it on many Google searches (most notably trying to find out the origin of the Paramite in the Stockyards screengrab that's on the back of the Oddysee case.)

I check here almost every day but I haven't really been all that active since New N Tasty came out. It is a bit of a crazy place on here, but I'd say it's improved 1000 times over since I joined, it's a much calmer place now. I still don't even really know if I'm viewed as part of this community, but like others have said, I love Oddworld so I'm here to stay regardless of the sometimes gritty atmosphere.

Besides, apparently everything Oddworld needs more grit. And the standard forum skin is the wrong green by the way.

EDIT: Also Moot, I'm from the UK, but I have an uncle in Toronto! Not sure if that's near you but I know it's in Ontario
Posted 03-27-2016 at 04:44 AM by Connell

Moot's Avatar
*Sits down with my morning tea*

Didn't think people would read it, welp!

@ Nepsotic That's the Dark Souls camaraderie talking, all that jolly cooperation in the air! I'm down for sharing stories, I have some mad shit to talk. Funnily enough, I woke up to a new Skype chat I was added to, an old player added me as a joke and started spamming "meme" over and over. My demons have come back to haunt me!

@ Varrok I made the disclaimer for two reasons - One, because I didn't want to advertise their shithole. I may dislike the place, but the "game" itself is really fun, if you ignore all of the community shit (which is only possible for brand new players, then you get dragged in, not worth it). Second, you'll see how much of a geek I am ):

@ Vlam no sorry bye

@ Crashpunk I'm glad you enjoyed the read! And don't worry, if I'm feeling particular, I can be a right cunt! I'm not all sunshine and rainbows (pun intended).

@ STM That's unfortunate, because I've been tested positive for cock sausage.. ): Seriously though, thanks for all the welcomes guys. You're all a lot more welcoming then you give yourselves credit for!
Posted 03-27-2016 at 04:55 AM by Moot
Updated 03-30-2016 at 02:59 PM by Moot

Crashpunk's Avatar
Crashpunk, you do "fucking hate" someone.
Hah. Well a guy can only deal with a certain amount of horseshit before he snaps Vlam.

I can be a right cunt! I'm not all sunshine and rainbows (pun intended).
I've already said it. But your going to fit in quite nicely here Moot.
Posted 03-27-2016 at 05:03 AM by Crashpunk

Vlam's Avatar
I've met Lorne Lanning.
Posted 03-27-2016 at 05:19 AM by Vlam

STM's Avatar
I've met Crash, MM, Vyrien, Wil and Lorne so fuck you all.

I am the Pokemon Collector of OWF.
Posted 03-27-2016 at 05:59 AM by STM

Vyrien's Avatar
You can 'meet' me again anytime bby

Posted 03-27-2016 at 06:52 AM by Vyrien

STM's Avatar
Hnnnnnn~ <3

hurry up and come back from Nipland then, cockwomble
Posted 03-27-2016 at 07:22 AM by STM

Varrok's Avatar
I've met Varrok. He's a terrible person
Posted 03-27-2016 at 07:28 AM by Varrok

Wil's Avatar
Oh god, am I still here? Welcome to the Forever Place, Moot.
Posted 03-27-2016 at 07:28 AM by Wil

Moot's Avatar
I like Varrok, swell guy 10/10. But Vorrak, I dunno about him, a right cunt he is 1/10

And thanks for the welcome Wil!
Posted 03-27-2016 at 08:08 AM by Moot

JayDee's Avatar
I can definitely agree that this place has improved leaps and bounds in the years I've been here. I'd rarely venture out of Fan Corner since posting progress on my games was the only "thing" I had, and probably still do have. But the best thing is to just dive in the conversation and have fun speaking to the lovely range of people here. iloveyouall
Posted 03-27-2016 at 08:14 AM by JayDee

Xorlidyr's Avatar
The love virus is contagious.

Posted 03-27-2016 at 08:24 AM by Xorlidyr

Vlam's Avatar
Love = using ignore list?
Posted 03-27-2016 at 08:28 AM by Vlam

Wil's Avatar
I've met Alcar, Nate, Xavier, Havoc, STM, Jordan, MeechMunchie, dripik, Splat, Wings of Fire, Bullet Magnet, Nepsotic, Sekto Springs, T-nex, Hobo, Mojo, Gluk Schmuck... who am I forgetting?

Anyway, I win.
Posted 03-27-2016 at 10:07 AM by Wil

Vlam's Avatar
Posted 03-27-2016 at 10:12 AM by Vlam


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