Composing Game Music
Posted 02-15-2016 at 09:56 AM by Scrabaniac
Hi everyone, Long time no blog. Not that it matters. Anyway, for the past few years i've been playing with music editing/writing software, and am currently using Logic Pro X. Still very amateur at it, but i'm progressing. I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in hearing some of my work. I already know that my compositions are not amazing, but for someone who cannot actually read music, i am proud of myself for being able to write and learn my own pieces from scratch. This piece is inspired by David Wise, who has worked on titles such as 'Donkey Kong Country', 'Banjo Kazoo' and is currently working on a new title called 'Yooka-Laylee'. 3D Platformers are not everyone's cup of tea but i enjoy them, and the music is catchy and uplifting. Please have a listen
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