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Posted 02-13-2016 at 04:12 PM by Vlam

Why do you guys keep calling Lorne Lanning by his first name (like he is your pal or something)?
Total Comments 47


Varrok's Avatar
Says vlam, the Vaginal Destroyer
Posted 02-14-2016 at 05:35 AM by Varrok

Crashpunk's Avatar
Crashpunk, for example, do you call your mother by her first name?
How is that even relevant? What.

But no I don't. In fact, I don't think I ever have actually.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 06:00 AM by Crashpunk

Varrok's Avatar
Vlam calls his mother by her last name, because he cares.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 06:02 AM by Varrok

Vlam's Avatar
She's dead.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 06:32 AM by Vlam

Varrok's Avatar
Is that why you're bitter to everyone?
Posted 02-14-2016 at 07:04 AM by Varrok

Nepsotic's Avatar
He still probably calls her by her last name.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 07:12 AM by Nepsotic

Holy Sock's Avatar
Is she a virgin?
Posted 02-14-2016 at 07:34 AM by Holy Sock

Varrok's Avatar
His mother certainly wasn't, if you know what I mean
Posted 02-14-2016 at 07:40 AM by Varrok

Job McYossie's Avatar
Vlam's posts are getting harder to read every day.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 08:56 AM by Job McYossie

Varrok's Avatar
I'd say the opposite. His English has improved to the point I understand him.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 09:08 AM by Varrok

Holy Sock's Avatar
I can't tell whether his virgin joke was some good-natured ribbing or if he wanted Varrok to feel bad.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 09:34 AM by Holy Sock

Crashpunk's Avatar
Vlam is just going around insulting everyone now. Or his sarcasm is through the roof.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 09:53 AM by Crashpunk

Varrok's Avatar
I think it was just snarks. The problem is they weren't remotely funny.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 09:56 AM by Varrok

MA's Avatar
oh man how can you say that? just look at these:
But it's true.

NnT is his biggest revenge on Nate and OWF, for all the harm we caused to him
Varrok, you should write a fanfiction about it.
Just after I post pictures of my baby on some public forum
Not before the release of Tzf then, given the fact you're still a virgin.
Vlam calls his mother by her last name, because he cares.
She's dead.
oh my god that was the best comic exchange i've read on here for a while. honestly, vlam deserves that MUFP award.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 02:38 PM by MA

Vlam's Avatar
You should do a Fan Art about it.
Posted 02-14-2016 at 03:00 PM by Vlam

Manco's Avatar
yeah well you should [insert reference to another post on the forums]
Posted 02-14-2016 at 03:05 PM by Manco

OANST's Avatar
Right after he (insert penis into another poster on this forum)
Posted 02-15-2016 at 07:02 AM by OANST


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