I've only left the house one time, except for grocery shopping, some uni stuff, one day when I worked and random walks. I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. It feels kind of like I've been dropped by my friends.
The last 6 months I've done literally nothing. It's been a confusing mess of not knowing what I'm capable of and having nothing to do. I wanted to join like a club or something maybe? But with my health I couldn't really commit to anything regular. I was going to go to some cool sounding stuff at the Adelaide Film Fest, but my health was bad that week and I didn't want to buy the ticket if I wasn't going to be able to use it.
It's so weird. I keep thinking I need to do things. But what do people do? Where do people go to meet other people? I literally have no idea. I look at lists of what's on in my city and there's just nothing for me. The museum had a cool exhibition on about opals for a while? I probably should have gone to that actually.
But even if the opals were great, I'm not exactly going to meet people at the museum. I need new people - my friends are just people I had classes with in highschool. Every conversation I have with them feels like the most gratingly awkward thing in the world. I just try so hard to engage them and get one word answers. Nobody ever asks me questions. Nobody ever just shoots me a message to ask how I am.
I'm not going to pretend I'm an easy person to get along with. I never have been, but after 3 years of poor health destroying my social life and leaving me a boring potato living life through a laptop screen things have just gotten so much worse. I'm so bad at talking to people. I feel like I get some points for effort, people definitely know that I'm trying, but they just don't really enjoy having me around. I feel like I have 2 settings - either extremely uptight asshole or so relaxed I can't think about what I'm saying and just ramble pointlessly. People just look at me like "what the fuck is this guy doing".
I just with I could be a normal guy, like mainstream shit and have friends that I do things with. I wish I shared common interests with people I (infrequently) meet. I know I'm a big part of the problem, but I can't figure out how to change.
I feel pretty bad a lot of the time, but not in the way I used to. I don't feel helpless and hopeless. I don't spiral wildly out of control some days and end up sobbing in bed. I was on anti-depressants for a pretty short time, but we gradually lowered the dose and I just kept feeling better. It's kind of like I just needed something to lift me out of the horrible dark corner I'd ended up in. I feel like having nothing to do and being incredibly lonely all of the time is a pretty acceptable reason to be feeling bad, and it's not a constant looming thing now.
I feel more relaxed after basically giving up my dream of being a musician too. Like it's just not something to worry about now. It's over. I'm going to do a boring degree and get a job I'll probably hate, joining the rest of the sensible working world. I want to focus a lot more on doing things, and people, because those are the things that really suffered in highschool focussing on music, and the last 2 years trying desperately to balance my health with my degree.
I'm house sitting for my brother again this easter, and looking after their dog again. I remember I mentioned it last year, and someone wondered if "dog-sitting" was a sexual thing. I think my parents are going to pressure me to invite people over while I'm there, and that's stressing me out a bit. Like, who? What will we do? I'll probably just do it, if I can find anyone who wants to come.
I'm pretty sure that dog has shown me way more affection in 3-4 days than anyone else has this year though. Every morning he'd be at my door ready to say "hello"
shortly followed by "let me out the back to do a wee". He'd get my attention to play games and stuff throughout the day. In the evenings when I'd be chilling out watching TV he'd jump up and try to lick my face, but eventually I figured out how to calm him down and he'd just curl up in my lap happy to be near me.
Like damn why can't people be more like that. Nobody ever touches me. I'm so fucking lonely goddamn