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My life is kinda bad right now

Posted 12-24-2015 at 08:13 PM by Wings of Fire
I'm too tired to write about it so maybe tomorrow or after christmas to spare you the grief (Or not? I'm very forgetful these days) but there are reasons I abandoned you all and I just want everyone to know it's me not you.

Because you guys are great and made a fantastic seven years of my life and it wouldn't feel right to just fade away without saying anything

Merry Christmas

PS I have Bell's palsy and it's not going away
Total Comments 10


Wings of Fire's Avatar
Actually it's basically just my previous blog except plus the bowel issues and I have a job so I can only get four or five hours sleep a night
Posted 12-24-2015 at 08:17 PM by Wings of Fire

Nate's Avatar

I miss chatting with you. Send mea message on Facebook sometime soon!
Posted 12-24-2015 at 10:54 PM by Nate

Job McYossie's Avatar
I think we all miss you. I was thinking about you just yesterday, actually.
Posted 12-24-2015 at 11:28 PM by Job McYossie

STM's Avatar
I miss you too <3 I'm sorry you're in a bad place, I know we don't really talk outside the forums but message me of you ever wanna chat
Posted 12-25-2015 at 03:12 AM by STM

FrustratedAssassin's Avatar
I don't think we ever talked to each other, but I'm really sorry your life is bad and I hope it gets better.

I'd send you some hugs but I don't think HTML supports this yet so here's a heart <3
Posted 12-25-2015 at 01:51 PM by FrustratedAssassin

Phylum's Avatar
You can't send organs over HTTP either. I think you need to use FTP for that.

Sorry to hear things are bad WoF. We've missed you around here <3
Posted 12-25-2015 at 02:34 PM by Phylum

Vexen's Avatar
bowel issues
You too, huh?
Posted 12-26-2015 at 11:32 AM by Vexen

MA's Avatar
i miss you and i hope you start feeling better soon. i've been genuinely wondering how you're doing and it's so good to hear from you, even though it isn't good news. know that we all think a great deal of you here, there's no shortage of people to chat with if you need to my friend.

PS i'm sorry for being a moody dick.
Posted 12-26-2015 at 03:42 PM by MA
Updated 12-26-2015 at 09:32 PM by MA

Crashpunk's Avatar
I hope you start feeling better soon WoF. <3
Posted 12-28-2015 at 02:03 AM by Crashpunk

abe619's Avatar
Hope you get well soon, WoF, good luck with your job and hope you have a blast doing it. ^^

May barrel-loads of fun rain down upon thy days. 0.0
Posted 12-31-2015 at 02:46 AM by abe619


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