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Sunny Side Up

Posted 05-19-2015 at 08:48 AM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 05-19-2015 at 09:01 AM by Mac Sirloin

I'm trying to have a more positive attitude lately. This can be tough when you've made a big part of your personality being critical and judgy on a fairly petty level. I've been through what some people have described as a dark place, that's accurate. I can see it, feeling that I'm beginning to leave it behind, taking up a lot of my time over the last few years.
I'm working my first full time job in some time. I'm taking my medication, which helps break up the mundanity, and I think I'd have a difficult time with the work without it.
Regardless, I've got oppurtunities lying ahead if I stick with it. I could be trained as a Machinist in a years time if I work hard.
A very close friend, whose identity could be easily guessed, has been dabbling in hard drugs. I've smoked pot, eaten mushrooms, even tripped on cough syrup a couple of times. I don't personally advocate these things to anyone, it's very subjective how you respond to certain kinds of stimulation. I was smoking heaps of pot for a long time and that seemed to be at the root of a lot of my troubles, just not letting myself feel sober for good, long stretches of time, smoking before work. Hell, I had a pretty serious problem.

For long enough for it to feel like it matters, I've been consuming drugs as little as possible. Just my prescription ADHD medicine and a joint or two in the evening, with frequent, albeit brief, respites. Over the last week I've consumed some psilocybin mushrooms in varying doses. Took a little too many last monday and tripped pretty hard! I'm okay though. I've been reflecting that tripping on mushrooms, which means eating anything from 3-7 grams of the things, have treated me to a Total Perspective Vortex, in the Douglas Adams sense. Seeing where I stand, across time and space, and how in the wrong light it could be considered brief, or inconspicuous.
I'd like to be on this earth as long as I consciously can, and avoid things that might impinge on my ability to live a long, happy life. The first time I had a real mushroom trip, which was two or three years ago mind you, I reflected to my gathered friends 'Let's never smoke crack.' I also had a very vivid and wonderful dream where I got married in Las Vegas, but that's all I remember about it.
I meant it, and the significance of that decision in my mind has been especially valuable lately.
Jordan has been clean of Heroin for a week or two now. He had been regularly using opiates, crack and god knows what else with an individual he met online named Liam.

Have you seen the Jake Gyllenhall film Nightcrawler? His portrayal of sociopathy in that role captures the behaviour of this character my friend met pretty accurately. If you ever meet a person like this, get the fuck away from them and do not allow them into your life.

Jordan has been hurting himself. I've felt preoccupied with this, hoping for the best but aware of the worst possibly waiting on the horizon. He's been trying to get me to try these things, and I have refused. Sometimes disguising them as jokes, but I feel like he's trying to get something out of me for himself, possibly whatever was taken from him.
For personal accounting, and external to alcohol consumption, I've only ever done Cannabis, Mushrooms, a prescription dose of Methylphenidate (Ritalin), a pair of dissociative experiences on Robitussin (don't do this, seriously. I might even do it again, but it's really stupid. Really. Kinda fun, but mostly stupid. Stupid.), not enough coke to feel anything the two times I tried it and N-Bomes.

You probably haven't heard of N-Bomes. It's a lab grown attempt at something similar to LSD. It was quite awful, and I might have died. I didn't though, and I disposed of what I had left. They were free from Liam! He was very interested in how I might've felt after taking them.

I think you can see where I'm going with this. I took a lesson from it not to indulge myself without more serious precaution (god knows if the N-Bomes did something to my brain that won't resurface for another 30-40 years) and just to steer clear of that sort of thing. Maybe some people can functionally live their lives on hard drugs, but I've seen enough to know it would be a poor choice for me to make, and it consistently seems to damage or destroy people. No needles, nothing grown in a lab, just light sprinklings of things that have always grown. Cocaine, put your hand down. Ritalin, you get an A+.

I'm trying to make some new old friends, considering that I've had a distant, rough patch with a group of guys that I hung out with regularly a few years ago, and I have a hard time connecting with people the way I did when I was younger, I'd like to see if I can be a part of that circle again. What I need to know is if those bridges are burnt and always will be, or if they simply need some maintenance that's been neglected for a few years, on both sides. I've done some crappy stuff, some crappy stuff has been done to me, it's time to see if I'm able to put things behind me and grow up.

It's almost like I've been living a life similar to how I did when I was 16-19. Just hangin with Jordan and ignoring the world. But it requires this negative outlook that I think I recycle to let bad shit happen in my life. 'He got his, but I'll get mine'. A very back and forth, cyclical existence that refuses to plan or acknowledge potential adversity, just a hope that the power in the basement won't go out and mom paid for the internet connection. I swear I'm speaking figuratively, I only ever used the basement to hide my Wii.

Having written this, I feel a bit better. I'm still concerned for Jordan, but I think I've given myself a short leash to know other people while essentially taking care of him for awhile, and I'm tired of it. It's damaged my relationships. I care about my friend, and I don't want to see him get hurt, but he's old enough that I can't be obligated to protect him. When I was a teenager, Jordan saved me from being that much nastier, that much more dangerous. I could have made a better friend, but he helped me through a really tough time in my life so I've felt like I owe him something intangible, and in offering me the experiences of crack cocaine and heroin I believe he was hoping I'd feel like I could pay him back, by entering the vortex his life had turned into like the dumb things we used to do as teens. That might be a false equivalency, but he's always been pushy about trying stupid things. Ironically, my years of experience knowing how to resist his pull possibly saved me from doing something that could have caved in my life.

I'm going to pursue talking to a professional, like a therapist or whatever, not a whore. Belleville whores are brittle, and rugged. Not that I'd know. I wouldn't, but they have that really Jeep-like look to them. Just like a frightened machine. I think I'm a bit stressed, and though I have faith I can deal in the lonesome way I have for the last couple of years, I'd rather delegate my problems and achieve some balance.

I want to keep this job that I miraculously like and seem to be well suited to, lose some weight and just have a great summer. And I want to buy myself a nice hat.
Total Comments 3


Holy Sock's Avatar
Therapy certianly has the potential to help. I was having some weird feelings in my chest for about 2 years - particularly when I was watching films and tv - and my GP referred me to a therapist believing it to be anxiety or something. It sort of gave me the opportunity to talk about other stuff that had been wrecking my head recently and I believe I've made some personal strides in the last few months that I wouldn't have if I had not gone. But, you know, it's not the most striaghtforward process.

I was with a trainee and they decided to refer me on in order to get the best help I can. So I'm starting that soon. I certainly don't have the same level as issues as you seemed to be tackling but despite my reluctance and general reticence I think simply engaging with another living person with issues helped.

So even if you don't find a therapist working, I guess, there's going to be one who can suit your needs more.
Posted 05-19-2015 at 09:13 AM by Holy Sock

MA's Avatar
hopefully a therapist will help light the way for you my friend, and your buddy Jordan? maybe ask the therapist for advice there, unless you already know what you're going to do. it does sound like he needs help, but you shouldn't fuck up your own life in order to settle his.

you need to relax, focus on work, and just enjoy life. you're absolutely right about spending some time sober, that's where i was going wrong. i was smoking pot pretty much constantly for years and in the end i had another paranoid psychotic episode where i believed i was being followed and spied on and hearing voices in my head. now i have lasting damage with the thought that occassionally i swear to christ i can hear voices in my head still, but it's hard to distinguish what i can hear externally and what is actually in my head. i no longer do any drugs apart from get drunk every now and then. but you're right, a spliff every now and then really is ok. it can help you contemplate things from a different point of view.

i really like you so look after yourself and make sure to stay in touch with us. you're a genuine cool guy. PS i love the music man.

E: and fuck N-Bomes
Posted 05-19-2015 at 12:36 PM by MA
Updated 05-19-2015 at 12:42 PM by MA

STM's Avatar
I second what MA says, you're pretty more than okay so take care.

Man, I really advocate decriminalisation of drugs, I think people should be able to do whatever they want so long as there is a support network and they're paying their taxes into it, or whatever. I dunno I don't care about what some guy is doing in Croydon in his apartment by himself..

Any way, yeah drugs. Even in my relatively comfy, swaddled suburban middle-England life I know enough about what drugs do to people to know I don't want to mix myself up with them too much. I can put cannabis, codeine and maybe accidentally cocaine into my little portfolio of edgy things but I mean, I've seen friends changed who do stupid shit like crushing up codeine and paracetamol and spiking their vodka with it all for a couple hours trip. To me it's not worth the fucking awful come down.

My girl is into tripping on codeine, like she'll pop five tablets in one go and just ride those vibes but that's really not me. I find it hypocritical when people like this will cry at you for picking up a cigarette but then go home the same day and go to town on a bunch of tablets.

To me, time has become something of an economy. When I get four hours a day max to really wind down and just afford myself some TLC, I don't have time to waste it in this semi-conscious green induced mental miasma.

So here I am instead typing some fucking keyboard mashing sprawl to you instead. Nice one Aidan you shit.
Posted 05-20-2015 at 10:08 AM by STM


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