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I was single for like half an hour

Posted 05-07-2015 at 09:49 AM by STM
So I broke up with my girlfriend of almost two years.

It really sucked, at the end of it all she loved me more than I loved her and whilst she was willing to just pretend everything was fine the fact was that after a year of long distance with no prospect to see each other at least until 2016, it seemed best to let her go. The worst thing about it all was how she unintentionally guilt tripped me when I explained my reasoning, how she still loved me, and how she'd never met anyone like me. How she would fight and wait for me until I wanted her again. To be honest I was nearly sick. Perhaps she still sees that one day this break will be over. Who knows maybe it actually will but I obviously can't speak for a distant future.

She's an amazing, talented, intelligent and caring woman but I couldn't deal with a fractured LDR any more and I know eventually she will move on if she lets herself.

I've been trying to justify it to myself as the right thing, that it needed to happen and that I haven't thrown away something amazing. I've never broken up with anyone before and although I've faced rejection in the past it's not even remotely similar. I feel like I've stabbed my best friend in the back.

The whole ordeal was tempered though. I actually met someone about a week before I plunged that knife down; she lives in England which is pretty nice and she's very sweet, not to mention a model which is kind of a plus. She helped my through my break up and was very kind to me through the process, but to be honest we already knew there was something between us since before my now-ex and I even split.

I'm meeting her at the end of the month for a couple days and I'm so excited for that.

Work is ramping up. I've got an incredible amount of responsibility and although it's stressful and probably the second or third largest factor in my break up, I feel confident. My ability to manage a team is improving and although I'm still learning about how to conduct myself to the guys under me, I think on a whole I'm doing well.

I voted Lib Dem this election. Fool me once, Clegg, more fool me. Fool me twice, I'll never vote yellow again you lying cunt.

Total Comments 21


Varrok's Avatar
Dammit that Clegg, all this fooling in Lib Dem, why does he even
*actually has no idea what he's talking about*
Posted 05-07-2015 at 09:58 AM by Varrok

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
I went with Green. We've gotten to the point at which protecting the environment is pure fantasy, there's no undoing what we've done or mitigating what is in store for us. But they are the only party on the ballot that doesn't disgust me right now.

Also, I like the fantasy of an Australian Prime Minister running the UK. I also like the fantasy of a world leader with a science degree.
Posted 05-07-2015 at 10:06 AM by Bullet Magnet

MA's Avatar
long-distance relationships, damn, they really are as hard as people say. i've only been seeing this one person for a few weeks and they only live about 50 miles away but still, the fact i can't get there and physically be with them, no matter how long or short the distance, is fucking killing me. you have my every respect.

still, look on the bright side (as callous as that may sound, it's not intended), you and this new lady might end up being the real thing. keep looking ahead. it's such a shame things went the way they did, but be honest with yourself; you both lived on separate continents, doesn't take a Mystic Meg to predict what might happen, nor do you need to keep beating yourself up over it. things happen. you sound like you've got it sussed in your head anyway. good luck to you and your new chick.

i was going to vote TUSC, but life got in the way so i didn't bother. it was that or Green. I'm really surprised you went for Lib Dem. not that i'm bothered, i just didn't think you were a Clegg person.
Posted 05-07-2015 at 10:23 AM by MA

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I voted Labour, because I like to vote in a way that could potentially influence an election.

I've also been single for more than twenty years, so yeah.
Posted 05-07-2015 at 04:33 PM by MeechMunchie
Updated 05-07-2015 at 04:38 PM by MeechMunchie

Nate's Avatar
Also, I like the fantasy of an Australian Prime Minister running the UK.
I initially thought you meant that you wanted the incumbent or one of our former PMs. You can have 'em.

I should blog about the wierdness of my love life at the moment. I actually have two attractive men pursuing me. It's very wierd.
Posted 05-07-2015 at 10:37 PM by Nate

OANST's Avatar
It was probably inevitable. Long distance is always hard, and when you put an ocean between you, and a lack of funds to cross that ocean consistently, well, the vast majority of the time that just isn't going to work. Steph and I barely survived living about 40 miles from each other for the first year of our relationship, and while I'm obviously very happy that I stuck that little bit of hell out, I know I would not have if it was significantly more difficult for me to see her.
Posted 05-08-2015 at 07:01 AM by OANST

Holy Sock's Avatar
I live in NI so the only real options I had were those nutters in the UUP or people who don't even show up in parliament in the form of Sinn Féin. So I voted for Alliance...
Posted 05-08-2015 at 12:26 PM by Holy Sock

STM's Avatar
long-distance relationships, damn, they really are as hard as people say. i've only been seeing this one person for a few weeks and they only live about 50 miles away but still, the fact i can't get there and physically be with them, no matter how long or short the distance, is fucking killing me. you have my every respect.

still, look on the bright side (as callous as that may sound, it's not intended), you and this new lady might end up being the real thing. keep looking ahead. it's such a shame things went the way they did, but be honest with yourself; you both lived on separate continents, doesn't take a Mystic Meg to predict what might happen, nor do you need to keep beating yourself up over it. things happen. you sound like you've got it sussed in your head anyway. good luck to you and your new chick.

i was going to vote TUSC, but life got in the way so i didn't bother. it was that or Green. I'm really surprised you went for Lib Dem. not that i'm bothered, i just didn't think you were a Clegg person.
No I get you man, the long distance was rough. This new girl is a Yorkshire lass so at least I'm narrowed it down to the same country now. Still 4 hrs away but I can deal with that I think. To be honest I don't know if I'm looking for anything majorly serious with her but we'll see, she's right good fun so I can't complain.

I'm really not a Clegg-man. I was hoping the Lib Dems might be able to form a coalition government to temper either Labour or Conservatives but I didn't see their total, utter collapse coming really. If I had known how it was going to go I might have thrown my hat in with Eddybaby.

It was probably inevitable. Long distance is always hard, and when you put an ocean between you, and a lack of funds to cross that ocean consistently, well, the vast majority of the time that just isn't going to work. Steph and I barely survived living about 40 miles from each other for the first year of our relationship, and while I'm obviously very happy that I stuck that little bit of hell out, I know I would not have if it was significantly more difficult for me to see her.
Maybe, I don't like to think in terms of inevitability but I know where you're coming from and I somewhat agree with you. I actually had the money to hop on a plane and go to see her again but to be honest I didn't fancy the trip over there, if I did that she'd come to expect that she wouldn't have to put the effort in and knowing that, that's when the penny kind of dropped to be honest.

I'm actually doing okay though, we spoke for a little last night which was good and she's doing a little better than I expected I think. This other girl in the picture is really keeping my spirits up though, we've been talking every day for the past week almost constantly besides when we're working.
Posted 05-09-2015 at 06:14 AM by STM

MA's Avatar
I'm really not a Clegg-man. I was hoping the Lib Dems might be able to form a coalition government to temper either Labour or Conservatives but I didn't see their total, utter collapse coming really. If I had known how it was going to go I might have thrown my hat in with Eddybaby.
if i'd known how it was going to go i would have started a fucking rally. fuck the Conservatives, can't believe they got in again. god fucking damn it all. they're going to murder the NHS.
Posted 05-09-2015 at 12:19 PM by MA

STM's Avatar
The thing you have to wonder is...why the fuck did people vote for them??
Posted 05-09-2015 at 01:12 PM by STM

MA's Avatar
because we're all brain-dead fucking turds on this island that don't deserve nice things apparently

at least that's what my personal conclusion is
Posted 05-09-2015 at 02:38 PM by MA

STM's Avatar
I'm wishing good luck to the rioters today. All my scummy rich white friends who live in the bank of Mummy and Daddy are proclaiming how awful they are. Fuck that. Fuck this so called democracy.
Posted 05-10-2015 at 02:40 AM by STM

MA's Avatar
are we really rioting? because if we are, good, that's what we deserve.

fackin Tories
Posted 05-10-2015 at 08:51 AM by MA

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I was absolutely, one-hundred percent convinced that there would be a huge, huge backlash against the Tories and that Labour would win no problem. I knew UKIP weren't a threat at all, and I knew Greens wouldn't anywhere near win, and I thought that everyone would think the LibDems are spineless toads by now, so I thought Labour was the only possible option. I am absolutely dumbfounded and mystified as to how someone could look at the last five years and think they want more of it, and I'm thoroughly ashamed of anyone who took it upon themselves to vote for that rabble of unprincipled, callous vermin. I don't get what people found so offensive about Miliband. Cameron is much worse, being the despicable, cold bourgeois elitist that he is. I wasn't a big Miliband fan, but I did start to warm to him quite a lot when I started to listen to him and compare him to the other leaders more often.
Posted 05-10-2015 at 12:23 PM by OddjobAbe

MA's Avatar
I was absolutely, one-hundred percent convinced that there would be a huge, huge backlash against the Tories and that Labour would win no problem.
right? i thought exactly the same, what the fuck happened?
Posted 05-11-2015 at 10:16 AM by MA

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I can only think that Murdoch happened. I know a few students who voted Tory, gut-wrenchingly. You don't get a Tory vote off a student without manipulating them into it, at least not if they're rich.
Posted 05-11-2015 at 05:18 PM by OddjobAbe

STM's Avatar
I also know a lot of rich bank-of-Mummy-and-Daddy kids who voted Conservative, regardless of ethnicity too ironically. I also know a few cunts my age who voted UKIP. Which absolutely beggars belief.
Posted 05-12-2015 at 09:35 AM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I'm at art college, the most liberal, counter-cultural institution in our society, and two of my friends voted Tory.

I overheard one of them say "Well, if someone has a lot of money, it just means they worked very hard for it.", and I'm pretty sure they heard me laughing from across the room.
Posted 05-12-2015 at 10:14 AM by MeechMunchie

STM's Avatar
Mate I just realised I don't fucking care about politics right now...unless the Conservatives want to start deporting Iranian chicks I'm so good right now like being this happy is dangerous.

Things are going good with me and bae.
Posted 05-12-2015 at 10:18 AM by STM

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I overheard one of them say "Well, if someone has a lot of money, it just means they worked very hard for it.", and I'm pretty sure they heard me laughing from across the room.
I have a friend who believes this and defends anyone rich vehemently based on this principle, accusing me of being bitter about not having as much money as them whenever I criticise the system that gives them that wealth. I can't describe my frustration with him, I've pretty much given up trying to convince him he's wrong.
Posted 05-12-2015 at 10:53 AM by OddjobAbe

Manco's Avatar
i love politics
Posted 05-12-2015 at 11:54 AM by Manco


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