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I Won!

Posted 02-24-2015 at 09:46 PM by Phylum
I won free tickets to a French play (in English) for joining the French Club at uni. I don't actually speak French, but my friend talked me into joining anyway. Apparently they don't talk a lot of French - it's more of a bread eating club. If some kind of club warfare breaks out on-campus, I can sleep well knowing that I'm on the side that won't actually do any fighting.

Anyway I won two tickets and I have no idea who to take. I made a post on Facebook about it but I doubt anyone will respond, because sad loser alert. Either that or nobody think they're the kind of person I'd want to go with even though I literally don't give a shit at this point. Spending time with anyone at all is good.

I might just post on the French Club Facebook page asking if anyone wants to come. See if I can make a new friend or something. Or I could be a sad loser and go alone.

Also I'm back into full swing playing flute basically all day and holy shit does it feel good. I woke up at 7am this morning, and by the time I usually get up I was walking out the door with an hour of flute playing already under my belt. I'm going to aim for 6:30am tomorrow, and go for a walk too! I've basically doubled my food consumption, just by actually being active and doing things with my day. Motivation feels gooooooood.
Total Comments 4


Shade667's Avatar
Winning stuff's cool
Posted 02-24-2015 at 10:19 PM by Shade667

Shrykull43's Avatar
Sounds like you're doing pretty f**kin good, keep at it!
Posted 02-27-2015 at 02:39 AM by Shrykull43

Phylum's Avatar
The play was awesome, I laughed for the entire 50 minutes.
Posted 02-28-2015 at 03:41 AM by Phylum

STM's Avatar
Yay, you won!
Posted 03-01-2015 at 01:57 AM by STM


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