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Not A Serious Blog

Posted 01-15-2015 at 04:38 AM by Phylum
I went to a Grease singalong with a friend and had lots of fun. The crowd was a bit dead, and nobody dressed up so it wasn't quite as special as I imagined. I was wearing blue jeans and a white tshirt with a black bomber jacket, and I was doing better than anyone else.

I want to go with more people next year, so that we can all roll in wearing leather jackets over tshirts and high-waist jeans. It would be cool to try to get people up to dance during the Hand Jive scene, and just generally liven it up a bit.

I'm going to see a midnight screening of The Room on the 31st too, and we'll probably do a pre-screening to get ourselves familiar with the callouts.

Guys I think I found my niche in cult films.

Ok Grease isn't a cult film, but dressing up and singing along is cult-like and I can't think of a better word for it
Posted in Random Crap, Crap
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Mr. Bungle's Avatar

What's a bomber jacket though?
Posted 01-15-2015 at 05:17 AM by Mr. Bungle

Varrok's Avatar
This blog is not serious
Posted 01-15-2015 at 05:51 AM by Varrok

OANST's Avatar
Tell me more! Tell me more!
Posted 01-15-2015 at 11:45 AM by OANST

Nate's Avatar
What's a bomber jacket though?
Imagine what Hamas employees wear when riding the bus.
Posted 01-15-2015 at 10:18 PM by Nate

Phylum's Avatar
It's a kind of jacket with a zip all the way down the middle and a certain collar thing.
Posted 01-16-2015 at 02:00 AM by Phylum

MeechMunchie's Avatar
It's the kind of jacket bombers wear.

Posted 01-16-2015 at 04:22 AM by MeechMunchie

Phylum's Avatar
Yeah, except we call any jacket with an obvious/turned down collar a bomber jacket. It's used pretty broadly, really.

That tall dude standing up on the right is wearing what I would call a bomber jacket.
Posted 01-16-2015 at 04:27 AM by Phylum

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Well, you shouldn't call it that because it's not.
Posted 01-16-2015 at 01:26 PM by MeechMunchie

Phylum's Avatar
I'm sorry that we have a colloquial name for an item of clothing.
Posted 01-16-2015 at 01:50 PM by Phylum

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Pick a colloquial name that isn't already an actual name for something else. You don't call trousers shorts.
Posted 01-17-2015 at 05:54 AM by MeechMunchie

RoryF's Avatar
I think Bart Simpson has said 'eat my shorts' whilst wearing trousers on occasion.
Posted 01-17-2015 at 07:10 AM by RoryF

Nate's Avatar
Pick a colloquial name that isn't already an actual name for something else. You don't call trousers shorts.
And yet you call underwear 'pants'.
Posted 01-17-2015 at 10:00 AM by Nate

Phylum's Avatar
Posted 01-17-2015 at 12:52 PM by Phylum

MeechMunchie's Avatar
And yet you call underwear 'pants'.
AFAIK pants meant underwear before it was a colloquialism for trousers.

Where "pantaloons" come into the matter, I'm not sure.

My point is simply that saying something casually doesn't make it accurate. Yeah, I'm not going to stop you calling a sports jacket a bomber jacket. Doesn't mean you should do it.
Posted 01-17-2015 at 01:08 PM by MeechMunchie
Updated 01-17-2015 at 01:12 PM by MeechMunchie

Phylum's Avatar
Before this blog I had no idea that there was even a formal definition of bomber jacket different to the one I used.

But you're right, I should stop being such an uncouth slob calling the wrong kinds of jackets "bombers". It's not like I'd suddenly be calling jackets different things to most of the people where I live, so that will definitely never cause any confusion.
Posted 01-17-2015 at 01:43 PM by Phylum

Manco's Avatar
Just call everything “body covers” like I do.
Posted 01-17-2015 at 02:27 PM by Manco

MeechMunchie's Avatar
But you're right, I should stop being such an uncouth slob calling the wrong kinds of jackets "bombers". It's not like I'd suddenly be calling jackets different things to most of the people where I live, so that will definitely never cause any confusion.

Seriously, though, the Phylum I know never used to voluntarily get shit wrong just because no-one else cares.

This is what making friends does to you, I tell ya.
Posted 01-17-2015 at 06:56 PM by MeechMunchie

Phylum's Avatar
I think it's more that Phylum and Tom stopped being completely different people.

That and I was an asshat at 15 who took great pride in trying to be "smart" through correctness.

e: and by not using gross words like "correctness"
Posted 01-17-2015 at 08:38 PM by Phylum


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