Swings and Roundabouts and See-saws and Slides and Climbing Frames
Posted 10-20-2014 at 01:16 PM by STM
The last month or so has been pretty busy for me. It's crazy to think I was ever in America now. I've only been back for three months but those stressful carefree days have been scrubbed from my memory.
I started work back in August as a trainee/ junior quantity surveyor and have spent the last few weeks down on a building site in South London managing a group of guys and getting a feel for what the industry is like as a whole.
It's pretty hectic and draining, the weekend absolutely flies by and at times it can be a little stressful, especially with the medication I'm on right now. At the same time though it's fairly rewarding, I'm earning my keep again and I feel independent as before now that I'm getting a pay cheque.
This also proves to me, that hard work (and a little nepotism) goes just as far as a degree which is good. Because I'm damn certain someone with a BA in creative arts does not automatically have a foot up and over me.
Last week I nearly broke up with my girlfriend two weeks before the day we started dating. That was pretty crazy and soul numbing but it did make me realise how much I love her and how much we love each other. We stayed together and are working towards being more supportive of each other to combat the long distance. It doesn't help she's almost constantly ill but it's good to feel like I'm not the only one making and effort any more.
The thing is, my mind is my worst enemy and if I let it, my imagination will destroy everything I've built up for myself. That's something I'm not going to let happen again. Too much at stake this time.
On a whole life is okay, just a bit crazy right now. 7/10, would reincarnate again.