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Posted 10-02-2014 at 06:14 PM by Mac Sirloin
So about 18 months ago (give or take) I posted THIS: in the 'What do you sound like?' thread. Its hosting has since expired but I was rather proud of it and I was hoping someone might have saved it and could re-upload? If not I'll record a fresh one to delight your ears and remind you I'm a handsome monsterperson.

Anyway, I cannot fucking stand the summer. Unhappy though I've been I can attribute the general melancholy and seeming misery of my last few blogs to the multiplying effect of the accursed summer months.
In my own words, 'I don't do well in summer.';
I sweat a lot, my 9 pounds of body hair seems to disagree with the heat and I just generally don't feel well. I think this is sensible, I was born and raised and still live in Canada and I'm universally more outgoing to colder the weather gets.

I love Autumn. It's cool enough to wear my nicer clothes, it's usually slightly overcast but still brightened by the trees and the sun and everyone seems to take it a little easier. You can plan and reflect in Autumn. You can look at whatever dipshit things happened to you during the summer and say 'Yeah, well. Shit happens. Time to work.'

A lot of you have been very supportive. While I still basically consider myself crazy, I'm cool with it. I can direct my craze in wonderful ways again. I'll probably try messaging some of you shlubs. Or not.
Total Comments 2


Varrok's Avatar
I don't think anyone has that. The point of Vocaroo is that people can hear it without needing to download it.
Posted 10-04-2014 at 04:27 AM by Varrok

STM's Avatar
Boo! The Summer is the best for me, I can't stand the late-autumn and the winter. The cold and the dark messes with my mojo.
Posted 10-04-2014 at 07:41 AM by STM


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