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Happy Aniversary, Honey!

Posted 09-18-2014 at 09:47 PM by Phylum
I've been a member here for 6 years today. That's almost a third of my life. Thank you guys for always making me laugh, and for giving me somewhere to turn when I feel like I have nowhere else.

Here are some of the standout things that I remember:
  • Everyone turning into Alcar
  • Chatting to people in Aji's Furcadia Dream
  • Oddchat with Wil
  • The birth and death of the Minecraft server
  • Hobo +repping me for liking Pink Floyd
  • The rhyming thread
  • MA's spinoff forum that had 10 members at best
  • Taco Bell-Day
  • Nikki leaving
  • Pilot
  • Phallic lamps on the JAW Towers livestream
  • Nate never being mean to me
  • Dix being sad
  • Something about a new Oddworld game

I love you all. Here's to 6 more years <3

Also, it's worth mentioning that I've been infinitely more healthy lately. I'm playing flute again, and getting ready to re-audition in around 2.5 months
Total Comments 6


Varrok's Avatar
No problem, me hearty
Posted 09-18-2014 at 11:58 PM by Varrok
Updated 09-19-2014 at 04:57 AM by Varrok

Crashpunk's Avatar
Arr! Glad to hear your feeling well lad!
Posted 09-19-2014 at 03:17 AM by Crashpunk

Renney77's Avatar
Pfft, 6 years. I done it in 5.
Posted 09-19-2014 at 06:10 AM by Renney77

Jordan's Avatar
Posted 09-19-2014 at 05:49 PM by Jordan

Phylum's Avatar
I'm currently posting this from w3m because I killed my last working computer trying to install Debian over OS X. Best anniversary present ever!
Posted 09-19-2014 at 09:26 PM by Phylum

DrSasukeichida's Avatar
well those were good but Im not alcar sonic is also I had a bit of brain took out by humphrey
Posted 12-27-2014 at 01:26 AM by DrSasukeichida


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