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I got a job

Posted 08-05-2014 at 06:29 AM by Vyrien
Updated 08-05-2014 at 08:05 AM by Vyrien
So after a couple of years of searching (thanks lack of jobs in this town) I finally got a job, not a particularly illustrious one. Checkout work in fact. At Sainsbury's. But a job nonetheless.

Unfortunately I obtained the position a mere month before I'm due to ship off to university (results are out on the 14th and my Uni start date is the 7th of September) so now I'm at a bit of a loss what to do when the time eventually comes (if I get my results), do I:

a.) Tell them I never expected to achieve my results and I wanted to keep my options open. Ask if there's the possibility of me transferring to a Sainsbury's in my University town.

b.) Apologise and say that due to circumstances beyond my control I am no longer able to keep the position and just leave.

I know that I should have said something in the interview (I did mention that I'd only just finished college in June and that I was doing A levels) but to be fair it completely slipped my mind. I would really like to be able to continue working when I go to Uni so for me the first option looks like the best, if at all possible.

If any of you wonderful people have advice or alternative options it would be most appreciated because I feel a bit rotten just upping and leaving after a month. Ta muchly.

edit: just talked to the manager of the uni-town store and head office, they both said I could do something called a dual store contract. I would work at Uni during term time and at my current store during holidays. Ultimately, he said, it was up to whether or not my store would allow it. If they weren't happy about it I would have to quit and reapply to the new store.

Also my results are out on the 14th, cue panic mode.
Total Comments 6


Holy Sock's Avatar
Hey, well it sounds like you may be able to get that new job anyway. If it doesn't work out you could try recruitment agencies if they're set up in the area. I got shifts at IKEA through one of those 2 years back which helped me out a bit.
Posted 08-05-2014 at 08:36 AM by Holy Sock

STM's Avatar
If they can't transfer you just don't put it on your CV that you worked at Sainsbury's for one month. That'll look awful, regardless of the situation.

With that said, congrats Kcha'csee.

i thought of a new one
Posted 08-05-2014 at 08:50 AM by STM

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I'd speak with your boss when the time comes.

I worked for Dominos part time during uni but when I finished I asked for full time hours but explained that I was looking for another job, they were fine with this.
Posted 08-05-2014 at 10:12 AM by JennyGenesis

Connell's Avatar
I'd go with option A, at least then you've been up front(ish). Which university are you going to, out of curiosity?
Posted 08-05-2014 at 10:13 AM by Connell

Vyrien's Avatar
My first choice is the University of Leeds, my reserve is the University of Sheffield. Also I lied, my start date is actually the 24th of September so that gives me more time, not sure where I got the 7th from.

I'm going to wait and see what my results are before taking any further action though, at least I know there're options. Apparently Sainsbury's are very student friendly as well so hopefully it won't be an issue.

Thanks guys.
Posted 08-05-2014 at 11:16 AM by Vyrien

abe is now!'s Avatar
Congratulations!!! I have got a job too, in ITALY. We rock!
Posted 08-06-2014 at 10:03 AM by abe is now!


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