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Posted 07-30-2014 at 11:50 PM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 07-30-2014 at 11:54 PM by Mac Sirloin
I hate these faux-shlock movies. Sharknado and the like, trying to be exploitation films or bad 80's horror or whatever it is they're failing at. They're boring and stupid and if you like them you should invest in quality horror/monster movies instead.

What truly irritates me is that a whole generation of young filmmakes seem to have taken a cue from the string of horror-spoofs starting two decades ago to make yawn causing 'so bad it's good' films that simply don't try hard enough to be shocking or memorable. More on this in a bit.

Sharktopus, Piranha 3D/3DD are exceptions. Sharktopus had a sense of humor that this other shit lacks. I just picture the vast majority of the people watching and enjoying this fuckery as 22 year old white guys who look exactly like me, but much fatter and with worse skin, renting them off of itunes and chortling through their cheetos because they don't know any better. People are so god damn naive it makes my head hurt.

See, we're going to have yet another wave of young film-hopefuls entering the industry with the goal of making something that rivals the shittiness of Sharknado in the next few years. In a dozen more they'll be making even less thought-out shit and the cycle will just keep rolling over us until in the year 2099, the remnants of humanity cluster in the post-Meatwar superdome to watch SHAR-, a 300 minute long thriller about a trio of stunning, gorgeous, completely wooden LA hipsters wandering around a park picking up the letters to a word that will reveal a great danger, and they'll just casually tumble into a pond and get eaten by inland pond sharks. Don't watch Sharktopus 2. If you do they're going to make even more of this fucking crap. Instead support Luc Besson and go watch Lucy, it's not the movie the ads make it out to be and it at the very least feels like someone out there is trying to be creative.
Total Comments 6


JennyGenesis's Avatar
Hobo with a shotgun is one of my all time favourite films, it's intentionally ridiculous, but it works!
Posted 07-31-2014 at 01:56 AM by JennyGenesis

Varrok's Avatar

The creators of movies like Sharknado usually get a lot of money from it (it's really easy money, judging the quality of the movies). The director will grow to be a modern(er)-day Michael Bay and those films will at least be prettier.

I almost never watch modern movies. I can't stand incredibly low-quality writing of the most popular ones. And the uninspired...ness
Posted 07-31-2014 at 02:07 AM by Varrok

OANST's Avatar
Agreed. I find them too boring for words, and too calculated and cynical to be worth my time.
Posted 07-31-2014 at 08:04 AM by OANST

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
I want Sharkhobo.
Posted 07-31-2014 at 09:29 AM by Bullet Magnet

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Hobo With a Shotgun is an altogether different beast, not just because I like it, but due to the creators being able to integrate the comedy and horror without feeling forced.

I want Sharkhobo

this video barely scratches the surface of such a wonderful concept

Cynical is a great word for this trend. Cynical and naive. I feel like the only people who can enjoy this stuff unironically are juggalos and white trash single moms, typically both. Whenever people tell me 'I loooove sharktopus`I make this special little grunt that disguises itself as a burp but is actually me saying `God fucking damn you for being such a fat idiot` in one syllable.
Posted 07-31-2014 at 03:02 PM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 07-31-2014 at 03:06 PM by Mac Sirloin

HOMINIX's Avatar
That was a very entertaining read! I'll be tuning in to your blogs from now on.
The thing that gets me, is that more and more of these movies are actually making it into hundreds of theaters. I'm used to seeing "Giant ________ vs Mega __________" sitting on the shelf of the "straight to dvd" section of the local video rental place, not on the big screen.
Posted 08-04-2014 at 12:05 AM by HOMINIX


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